Your graph is showing dollars vs rubles, dumbass. Compare rubles vs dollars over 5 years and it's the direction we all know it to be.
They said b*tchass, you're on the .ml instance so b*tch gets censored for sexism or whatever.
Yeah, we're gonna need a citation on that 9,000,000 number.
looks around
Gonna need one for that "social unrest" too.
"Bruh why would you compare them to the largest surveillance state in the world bro. Saying how the EU would be more like the the most widely-known example of government surveillance and blocking of Internet traffic is just saying China bad, bro.
inb4 "bUt mUriCa bAd ToO"
Yeah dude, all these Volkswagens driving around really piss me off!
By definition, if the user of the software is not free to do as they wish with the software, the software is not free/libre. It could fit the definition of open source, but it is not free/libre if you are restricting what the user can do with your source code.
And starting comments with "Wrong." Is just rude.
Drivers hate this one brick
Please make sure you read up on how shorting a stock works! Your losses are theoretically infinite if you short a stock.
This guy licenses his comments under creative commons for some reason.
Replacing the bootloader with a FOSS bootloader called LibreBoot