[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 35 points 1 month ago

It's the marketing. Always the marketing. Especially the SEO guys.

One SEO guy we worked with told us not to cache our websites because he was convinced that it helped. He badgered us about it for weeks, showed us some bullshit graphs and whatever. One day we got fed up and told him we'd disabled the cache and he should keep an eye out for any improvements in traffic. Obviously we didn't actually do anything of the sort because we are not fucking idiots. Couple days later the SEO wizard sent us another bunch of figures and said "see, I told you it would help I know my stuff". He did not, in fact, know his stuff.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 35 points 1 month ago

I think what they meant was forcing people to do it all by hand invites mistakes, which are then fined.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 38 points 3 months ago

This. Everyone knows that windows is a perfectly safe and secure environment with no exploits and vulnerabilities whatsoever.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 35 points 4 months ago

I just genuinely dislike such inexplicably, impossibly smart "genius kid" characters who also seem to possess inexplicably, impossibly vast amounts of knowledge and experience that simply cannot have been acquired in however many years they have been alive.

To be fair the show did try to address that a few times. The episode where he's given his first team, for example, showed him needing real advice from real professionals with real experience. But such episodes were rare. Mostly he was just a general-purpose wunderkind who could solve any problem. An acne ridden teenager who came up with very advanced technical solutions where much more experienced experts drew blanks. Not the most fun trope.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 35 points 5 months ago

There are plenty of tires that are puncture-proof. But they all have other major downsides. They're all a different combination of expensive, loud, uncomfortable, and unsafe. That's why none of them ever caught on beyond some specific applications.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 34 points 7 months ago

Sure, if the rest of the team is first semester CS students doing their first group project. This is not an obscure 1337 h4x0r trick only known to programming gods writing COBOL code inside banking mainframes, it's a simple operator.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 31 points 8 months ago

IIRC the game already has a native Linux build.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 37 points 10 months ago

The only true artist is Ooonga Baloonga, who invented art when he drew something roughly resembling an animal on a random cave wall 6 bajillion years ago. Everything since then is derivative bullshit, lifeless imitations of his unique vision.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago

That bit was important to include in the video in my opinion because of the circumstances.

He didn't break his computer while messing around with the kernel, changing system settings by recklessly copy&pasting random commands he found on the internet. It happened while trying to install a very popular software from the distro's official package manager, following what's otherwise standard installation procedure. A lot of people broke their systems the exact same way until that bug was fixed.

We all like to pretend Linux is "there", but it was a clear and important example of how it's not really. Because the user is dumb and the user has no idea what they're doing. At least that's the core assumption an OS should operate under if it is to be used by anyone and everyone. You can't claim even your grandma can run Arch when trying to install Steam can bork your system. And no, warnings are not a valid defense in this case. You will never teach the average user to not ignore those. Unfortunately it's the OS's job to protect the user from their own recklessness, and again, warnings are not always enough. Especially when you're getting warnings while doing something so mundane.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago

Never have I ever, on any occasion, felt I needed any kind of precise control over any car's window.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 39 points 11 months ago

Lmao yoavweiss seems to have recently broken the 4 year hiatus on his personal blog to make a new post about how the discussions around this retarded proposal are not constructive enough.

The most constructive that can ever be said about this is "fuck right off" dude.

[-] herrvogel@lemmy.world 39 points 1 year ago

In my company we have a very modern agile workflow where QA is top priority.

At least that what we advertise. In reality it's all an unorganized clusterfuck where I'm pretty sure I am the only one who bothers to write automated tests. Who's got time to write tests bro just push that shit out ASAP we'll deal with it when the client calls us in the middle of the night to complain about previously-working shit being broken now.

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