[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Was this written by Windows 11?

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 43 points 5 days ago

Pets are not investments. They are friends and family. Sometimes you'll do anything possible to save them, even if it's spending a ton of money.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 142 points 3 months ago

Kurt Cobain has probably been gone longer than these people have been alive.


[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 104 points 4 months ago

This just screams "stupid new CEO obsessed with trying to implement AI into everything".

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 103 points 4 months ago

If purchasing something doesn't mean you own it, then piracy isn't theft.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 74 points 5 months ago

Hopefully Nintendo/The Pokemon Company will see how well Palworld is doing and stop putting out disappointing mainline Pokemon games.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 87 points 6 months ago

That is a terrible idea, we need fewer people talking while on the road. Not people joining in on an entire meeting.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 83 points 7 months ago

Collaboration is important and a key part of sustaining a culture with your peers, with your colleagues," Tan added.

BS. Collaboration does not require people to physically occupy the same space. It does require communication though, which happens quite easily thanks to the internet.

This is just an excuse to get rid of people or to fill empty offices to appease money hungry property owners.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 86 points 8 months ago

Move to Firefox (or any non-Chromium browser really) and use a different search engine that's not run by a giant corporation. I use DuckDuckGo.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 94 points 8 months ago

Cool with ditching fossil fuels, but screw Nestle.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 121 points 9 months ago

Almost like working remote makes sense if people can complete their whole job at home.

I'm doing one day a week in the office right now and I loathe that one day. Literally all of the servers and services I'm responsible for are hosted at Azure so it doesn't matter where I'm at.

[-] jecht360@lemmy.world 106 points 10 months ago

No, no sacrifices are acceptable. Workers generally get taken advantage of in the US. I think everyone is tired of being taken advantage of. It's time for businesses to actually treat people better.


There was one like this back on Reddit, but I figured there should be one here too. People won't be too interested in staying on Lemmy unless there's actual content and communities here. So I figured I'd start with something I'm familiar with.

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