[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 day ago

I second this.

I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.

It's not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.

I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.

I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 64 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm so glad this will be fed into Google AI to aid in results for Aircraft refuelling. It is very relevant and important for all things regarding aircraft and fuel.

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 30 points 1 month ago

Last time someone was taxed 45% was 1986.

In the 1950s anything made over $400,000 was taxed 90%


[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 45 points 2 months ago

I cant wait for the shareholders to say no.

He plundered the stock to buy twitter and is back asking for even more... What a dickhead

56 billion from a company that made $15 billion last year (a big record). He wants 3.73 times the entire ducking company's net on their highest year ever's income.

...just did the math. Tesla has netted 27.1 billion since 2011.

He wants a little more than DOUBLE the total cumulative earnings of the whole company;.

I hope he gets the boot. The company will be better off without him.

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 44 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

He plundered the stock to buy twitter and is back asking for even more... What a dickhead

56 billion from a company that made a record $15 billion last year?

...just did the math. Tesla has netted 27.1 billion since 2011.

He wants a little more than DOUBLE the total cumulative earnings of thr company; or 3.73 times their highest year ever's net income.

I hope he gets the boot. The company will be better off without him.

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 47 points 6 months ago

I hope folks hear this.

Our food system is begining to fail. How do we get this out like we kinda did the bees.

We need to tie those together.

And the mosquitoes and malaria/dangue.

Stuff that effects folks directly... Plague and famine

But we gotta keep doomerism and cults-of-death-for-some-greater-afterlife at bay.

There's opportunity abound, we just gotta grab it. Green new deal stuff.

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 36 points 6 months ago

This is some full-on stirrin'-somes-shit probably-russian/chinese-originated bullshit meant to divide folks up. Real rednecks would never hand their liberty to some two-bit lyin sack of shit New York Billionaire landlord's son swindler like Trump

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 31 points 6 months ago

The guy kept a list of billionaires he was serving minor sex-traffic victims too.

It'd be great if that list were to become public so there could maybe be some justice for the victims and some punishment to deter tomorrow's billionaire's from following suit.

It be great it despite the blatant cover-up of Epstein's murder the list still became public.

It'd be great if those who felt they were above the law and commited heineous crimes found they weren't above the law.

It'd be great to see the justice system worked

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 84 points 7 months ago

Nothing that any sane, educated human would view as antisemitic. Anti-Netanyahu, sure. Anti war-crimes, yes. Pro hamas, no. Pro peace, yes

This is not an anti-jewish stance at all.

""" You don’t have to be Palestinian to care about what’s happening in Gaza. I stand with Palestine. No one is free until everyone is free. https://t.co/23JHFbuf5K — Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) November 4, 2023 """

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 120 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

According to msn.com and thestreet.com it's a real tweet lol

Such mall ninja vibes


[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 31 points 8 months ago

Did they stutter?

[-] lefaucet@slrpnk.net 33 points 8 months ago

Hey, you really need to cite your source.. It's only fair republican congressman Todd Atkin gets credit for his research and conclusions here.

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