I think the real issue is that EA is trying to make profitable games, not good ones.
And that they dont listen to their staff as much as they should when it comes to design decisions or needed development time.
I think the real issue is that EA is trying to make profitable games, not good ones.
And that they dont listen to their staff as much as they should when it comes to design decisions or needed development time.
And they also shouldnt require specific browsers and a CPU that is less than 2 years old to stream content in resolutions above 720p.
Its not because its not possible, its because it lacks some bullshit copyright protection.
Spätkapitalismus macht Kapitalismussachen
Ich finde das voll schade, ich habe mich echt gefreut, dass jetzt auch mal jemand mit im Amt ist, der auch Sachen sagt die vielleicht nicht immer ganz angenehm sind, dafür aber ehrlich.
Allerdings habe ich das Gefühl, dass die breite Bevölkerung (natürlich stark mit angeheizt durch Medien mit Agenda) gar keine ehrlichen Politiker haben will, auch wenn sie das nie zugeben würden.
So its possible to properly sort by date?
Jokes on you, some manual cars also require the brake to be pressed to start them.
That is going to result either in a bang or nothing happening.
You can use a power supply if:
the plug fits
the polarity is correct ( - and + are at the correct location)
the voltage matches
the current and wattage is the same or higher
Home assistant and its various alternatives
My penis is too long, so I am not allowed to own such a car.
My car is half as big and still has the same cargo space actually.
Also ist es verboten aber überall erhältlich, wow.
Sorgt also nur für Kriminalisierung und sonst nix.
The plywood sheets even stay dry and cant be stolen. There are also some offroad versions of some vans if you really need it.
Thats a little bit less than my solar house install has produced in the last year, and it was only up for half of it.
Just imagine how much fossil fuels we could save if everyone had solar on their roofs and if wind power would be more widespread as well.