His son, the dumb one, said they get all the money they need for funding out of Russia. Who do you think orchestrates that funding?
I feel like celebrating only on February 29th during a leap year makes the most sense. If someone was born on February 29, then that's their birthday and their rate of aging is slowed by %80.
Thanks I hate it.
What? Trump handed out more stimulus checks than Biden. Then there was the whole pay day loan fiasco that was rampant with corruption and fraud with absolutely no oversight.
Should move to California. I hear they're teaching about how to tell if something is real or not.
Russia isn't a super power.
I know several humans and none of them are FontMasterFlex. They must be a bot.
One of the YouTubers I watch, Tavarish, is rebuilding a flooded McClaren. McClaren went to great lengths to water proof the car (IIRC almost all the connectors for the electrical harness and many of the other cables/wires in the car were all fine). The car is an engineering marvel and it still had damage done to the battery and almost every inch of the car had water intrusion.
Not disagreeing with you but salt water tends to fuck shit up. Maybe a better solution is some kind of system with a series of sensors and other inputs that could disable the battery until it's checked out? Or maybe better education on how dangerous lithium batteries can be.
So what is it Neo? The blue suppository or the red suppository?
Cant put a price on a badge though!
You usually need to return those when you cancel service so hold onto it unless you want to pay the replacement cost if you ever change service.
Heh infrastructure from 150 years ago is vastly different than infrastructure today. 150 years ago you didn't have buried electricity lines, telecom lines and fiber, robust water and sewage solutions. Those things need regular service and replacement. If your population goes down that means your revenue to pay for those things go down as well.