[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 8 points 1 day ago

I also rub one out every time I read a comment from a no-fapper


November is exhausting

Sad but true. Still, thank you for your service O7

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 3 points 2 days ago

No, they surely didn't just gain a foothold again. Many processes for "denazifizierung" were just a rubber stamping of the claims of the perpetrators. It's so ridiculous and well known that the term "Persilschein" was coined because of it. High ranking judges in the federal courts were Nazi perpetrators that even by the standards back then never should have been able to hold a job in the justice system ever again.
Places like the BND or BfV were more like SS- and other Nazi perpetrator pension schemes. Himmlers daughter, glowing Nazi for her whole life, worked for the BND as a secretary in the 60s under a false name. And they knew who she was.

Also, a big part of the student protest in the late 60s also was that many of their professors were just plain Nazis. Law commentaries like the "Palandt" or "Schönfelder" were named after Nazis and the names just changed in 2021.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 6 points 2 days ago

I hope this starts a new beans trend on Lemmy.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 13 points 3 days ago

That process was a bad joke.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 1 points 3 days ago

"Facist Tankie" was also en vogue for a while. Seems to have fallen out of favour recently though.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 19 points 3 days ago

My back suddenly started hurting...

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 3 points 3 days ago

I'll take your whole stock, thank you very much.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 6 points 3 days ago

I need one!

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 6 points 4 days ago

That won't help with the Magpies.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 4 points 5 days ago

Wasn't that Command & Conquer (which later got the "Tiberian Dawn" part added to its title)?


Für Deutschland gehen die Forschenden von einem Reallohnverlust von 0,3 Prozent für das vergangene Jahr aus. 2022 waren es 4,4 Prozent.


Im laufenden Jahr zeichnen sich Reallohnzuwächse dann fast in der gesamten EU ab, wie das WSI unter Bezug auf die EU-Kommission mitteilte. Die Forschenden gehen demnach von 2,0 Prozent Wachstum im Schnitt aus. Damit seien die Verluste der Vorjahre "aber längst noch nicht ausgeglichen", erklärten die Forschenden.


Dass die Inflation die jüngste Steigerung der Einkommen in Deutschland aufgefressen hat, zeigen auch andere Zahlen. Zwar wuchs das mittlere Einkommen nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamts von 2022 auf 2023 um 5,1 Prozent, die Teuerungsrate lag aber bei 5,9 Prozent.

[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 13 points 6 days ago
[-] pleb_maximus@feddit.de 36 points 6 days ago

It's game Ogre, man! Game Ogre!


Currently painting a random Grey Hunter with Power Fist.
Decided to name him 'Hrotgar Redfist'. His Bolter roars death to his enemies. His fist crushing all who dare to stand against the Allfather.


A 2nd Edition battle report between Blood Angels and Genestealer Cult by Crown of Command Games. Popped up randomly in my recommendations as I never saw that channel before.

They also have just started a Tears of Isha campaign for 5th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles.


Ed paints his Blood Angels 3rd company in 6mm.


Interview of Bob Naismith on the creation of Space Marines back in the day and some of his more recent sculpting of his own. By Filmdeg Minatures.


Battle Report by Minisodes for an Armageddon campaign they are doing.

The whole thing is just beautiful. The armies are wonderfully painted, the narration is fun, not only describing what happens at the table, but amplify it with some cinematic descriptions. It also has a great intro and outro.
All in all just great stuff.


Mitarbeiter die an einem Warnstreik im Dezember mitgemacht haben werden wohl von UPS benachteiligt und schikaniert. Der Betriebsrat ist wohl auch nicht richtig sauber.


Fantastic video battle report of a mission of the 1st edition Space Hulk supplement Deathwing.

ich🍝iel (feddit.de)
submitted 5 months ago by pleb_maximus@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de

The audio in the second part with Alan Perry is a bit rough. But fun interviews with them about Chaos Dwarfs.

ich☠☠☠iel (feddit.de)
submitted 5 months ago by pleb_maximus@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de

Damit die Nudel ein MaiMai zum angucken hat.

Inspiriert von diesem angelsächsichen Pfosten
Der Unabhängige Artikel zu dem Zwitscher. (Vorsicht: Angelsächsisch!)

ich❄☠iel (feddit.de)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by pleb_maximus@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de

Also zumindest fast. Hat gerade mehrmals nicht viel gefehlt und ich hätte mich schön auf's Maul gelegt.
Ist immernoch verdammt glatt hier und für manche scheint die Streupflicht eher sowas wie eine nett gemeinte Empfehlung zu sein. Rettungsdienst und Feuerwehr werden sich sicherlich freuen.

Edit: Hier eine Pressemitteilung der Feuerwehr Bochum (also nebenan von mir). Die haben wirklich gut zu tun mit der Glätte, wird hier in Dortmund sicherlich nicht groß anders sein. Hab' auch schon die Feuerwehr aus Castrop hier durchfahren sehen. Passt auf euch auf und kommt eurer Streupflicht nach.

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