Especially when they talk about fleeing the country.
Du machst das sehr gut. Ich bin stolz auf dich.
Oh no!!! 😱😱😱
Take that down! It leads to harassment and stalking of her!!!11 😥😥😥
It's from the first generation of Pokemon. The egg mechanic came with the second generation.
The first generation even mentions South America, real world references weren't a thing in later generations either.
The WOKE want to force their WOKE AGENDA on you or they'll ban you, claiming you broke their WOKE terms of service. Don't let the WOKE win!!11
He didn't steal the child, he won it fair and square in the aforementioned gambling!
But they don't most of the time. If you aren't very lucky like with No Man's Syk or Cyberpunk, you are stuck with an abandonend pile of garbage. And even with those games, it would have been better for everyone involved if they were what they are now from the start.
So ist das nunmal, wenn man Leute mit Drogenproblem auf selbiges anspricht.
It's all panem et circensis until the trees start talking Germanic.
Ist zwar wohl selten, kann aber trotzdem noch passieren.
Die CDU befürwortet also die Cancel-Kultur?!?
Natürlich tut sie das.
Better press 'Esc' a bunch beforehand, who know in what mode you are after hitting a bunch of random keys.