[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

Lemm.ee, quick, responsive and just works.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

Det kommer ju aldrig hända, men vad underbart det hade varit och se oss ge Erdogan samma mynt den dagen det är dags.

Han har ju förövrigt alldeles uppenbart visat exakt varför de inte kan accepteras in i EU.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

Det här är ett sånt tillfälle man borde tillämpa 5/5/5 regeln, eller vad den nu heter. Brukar pratas om i relationer. När man blir arg över något. Hur stort problem kommer det som hänt att vara om 5 dagar, 5 månader och 5 år? Om det kommer vara en liten grej om 5 månader, då försöker man släppa det.

Kommer detta ens kommas ihåg om 5 månader? Möjligen, 5 år? Aldrig.

Rim och reson tack. Men det är väl att be om för mycket.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thinking official organizations, companies, newspapers, celebrities and other well known people being as mad on one side of the spectrum, as what we currently have, is not a centrist view.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 82 points 1 year ago

My robot vacuum really helped with this. It runs every day while at work, which forces me to pick stuff up and make sure it won’t get stuck somewhere.

Got me into the habit and by now it’s second nature. Before I leave the house I do a quick check/clean, which takes a minute or two at most.

And then you have the obvious benefits in getting the apartment vacuumed.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 31 points 1 year ago

That blue checkmark is literally an indication of something that should be ignored.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 23 points 1 year ago

It seems so weird though. The fediverse is small. Extremely small. They are taking on Twitter. A million users on mastodon doesn’t matter when Twitter has 250 million.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

Same. Never gave refit Reddit a dime during my 12 years there. Signed up for the patreon on world couple of days back.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 32 points 1 year ago

Probably rather greatly helped by lemmy.world not struggling anymore.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It’s pretty freaking great at stuff like that though. We use a custom programming language at work, there are similarities with Haskell and others, but also many differences.

We had a little game where a colleague had put together some team-exercises. He had encrypted a message in base64 and therein written instructions for code, in our custom language that when run gave you an output.

ChatGPT managed to print out the, 100% non random output, and 100% stuff that’s never been anywhere on the internet, without trouble.

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

Sorting by top during the last 6 hours is by far the best experience for getting “what’s hot”. It’s not as buggy as hot is, which show months old content.

submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

While browsing all, with the hot setting, there are several posts that are days, even months old. Doesn’t take long to reach them either.

Thought it had to do with Lemmy.world being on 0.17, but it’s still a problem on 0.18

[-] ribboo@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

It’s insane. People have forgotten protests actually do work. It’s not easy, but it very often get results.

What doesn’t give results however, is doing nothing.

submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Tänkte hitta på något med damen, men har lite dålig fantasi. Bada, picknick, strosa ute i skog/stad och liknande har gjorts ett antal gånger.

Vore kul att göra något utöver det vanliga, som dessutom inte kostar skjortan. Har ni några förslag?

Chelsea and Saudi? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/football@lemmy.world

Can someone ELI5 what’s happened here? I understand there supposedly are some shady high bids, but that’s about it. What’s going on there?

submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Fått upp lite intresse för klättring på sistone. Någon som har egen erfarenhet av att klättra utomhus runtomkring Stockholm? En liten tur med bil fungerar utan problem.

Ledklättring eller topprep är väl tanken. Har otroligt dålig koll, bara klättrat inomhus än så länge.

submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Is it me, or is it rather slow? If I sort by active I get content that is 1-2 days old. If I sort by hot most stuff are 17-20h old.

There is interesting content on here, it’s just hard to find. And you end up having to sort by new, which is totally different experience!

Other than that I really feel like Lemmy could become something awesome.

Sommarlov… (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Barn och ungdomar överallt, hade glömt hur tacksam man är över att de annars befinner sig i skolan…

10 kids sitter utanför fönstret och dricker, tur man kör öronproppar. Glädjande med liv och aktivitet ändå! Det gillar man ju.

Heja ungdomen! Men till höst är jag glad att inte se er igen

submitted 1 year ago by ribboo@lemmy.world to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Vilka finns det? Hit har jag uppenbarligen hittat! Finns det några andra tillhåll?

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