[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 36 points 11 months ago

Dogs were instrumental in early human survival and they've benefited for it. There's almost a billion dogs in the world, but only a quarter million wolves. So in a natural selective sense that was a good move wolves made by becoming companions with humans.

Behavior has been bred into dogs going way back to the beginning. Fetch is one of those behaviors. I recently watched a documentary that showed the unique interaction of dogs with humans. Dogs are really good at understanding human body language. For example you can point at something and a dog will cue on it. No other animals reliably respond to that gesture, even chimpanzees which are genetically closest to us.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 35 points 11 months ago

Yeah let's make sure AI is ethical by some religious standard before we put it in charge of the nuclear arsenal. What an ass.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 35 points 11 months ago

and am stunned when I see the web without an adblocker.

True, True, it's damn near unusable. You take it for granted what a job your blocker is doing for you.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 41 points 1 year ago

Even the people that haven't left Reddit seem seem to be pretty hostile toward Reddit. It's like why are you still here? You can make more of a statement by leaving.

BTW, thanks for the Reddit free link, don't want to even give them my traffic.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 38 points 1 year ago

Just more subscription hell. It's ridiculous anymore. I'll need a subscription to flush my toilet at some point. I mean how much of this are consumers willing to put up with. Anyway Reddit is well on the path of monetizing themselves to irrelevance.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 50 points 1 year ago

Haha, kill -9 all Google processes, and the little daemons they rode in on too.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 38 points 1 year ago

The singularity would reverse the big bang.

Now that's a funny comment, haha.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 42 points 1 year ago

Further down the rabbit hole. Seems like they're doing everything they can to get to the bottom as fast as possible.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 37 points 1 year ago

So Meta is up and running now on threads.net, news to me. Hell yeah, ban the crap out of them.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 36 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think you should try to find a VPN that supports it, but you can live without it if you have to.

If you don't have a listening port other clients can't request a connection. You can still limp along without accepting incoming connection requests and it may not even make a big difference. Still it's a lot better to have it. You'll connect to more peers.

BTW, It's not always necessary to use port forwarding to enable a listening port, but commonly it is. Machines with a public facing IP don't need to use port forwarding, but most people are either on a private network or VPN where it's required.

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 49 points 1 year ago

They're getting indexed, but search rankings are so low they're buried. If you put <search term> site:<server> you get post results. For example lemmy site:lemmy.world

[-] rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee 34 points 1 year ago

Back in the day when the only copyright protection was scare tactics. Anyway looks like an ad for a software product, not actually anti-piracy propaganda. Nostalgic none the less. There was a time when all software was obtained through floppies. I sure was glad to see those go, damn things failed more often than they worked. I kept a big box of blank ones and copied everything off three times in case the first two failed.

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