Is that bimonthly: twice a month, or bimonthly: once every two months?
Here are the first two.. I like the sparkly black and orange aesthetic more, but the Prusa filament is 2x the price of the Overture grey I usually use.
I was very surprised that my idea for a handle worked at all (let alone first go), so the file was saved with the name: "ICantBelieveThisActuallyWorked-Handle.stl"
If you want to push them for Obsidian support, take 5 mins and put that into their user survey..
I just put it into all the "what apps do you use for" sections that were appropriate, and I think there was also a free text section where I put "better MD export support" into, from memory...
I hear you on the obsidian vault costs, but for what it saves me in hassle I ended up going the full license, with 10 vaults.. I have one for home, one for work, one for testing obsidian plugins/new tricks, and my also kid uses one for school...
So far, bulletproof, and individual crypto keys for vaults means separation between church/state/school is maintained...
The sync handles simultaneous editing on phone/laptop so that's golden.
I alsu use nebo for handwritten notes on my android tablet, and export text to my daily note. (Just wish it exported MD properly! 🫤)
He is awesome, yes...
I appreciate you linking it!
Or wear it to your claim rejection review meeting maybe?
I only skim read, but the provided link seems to me that opting out isn't an option:
However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the user agreement.
there are ways to make it easier; it's been gamified:
Available on FDROID.
When my partner stops to play pokemon go, I complete some Open Street Map info quests...
English language story from Reuters (no paywall) for anyone that doesn't speak French...
They run GrapheneOS Wonderfully...
As Gabe Newell said: "Piracy isn't a pricing issue, its a service issue"
As my friend said: "every time a plastic video disc says " operation not permitted " a torrent is born...
As I say: "People will pay when it's easy, more reliable and more convenient." As a software product manager, I forbid my product from ever wasting developer cycles with copy protection.. It's expensive to deliver, annoying to real customers and doesn't make us any more money...
"Both! Bimonthly can refer to something happening “every two months” or “twice a month.” Yep, bimonthly has, fittingly enough, two meanings."