No, see LHO played it. That's how he got radicalized.
I've had too much of an antidepressant kick me into a manic state. Watch carefully to avoid getting too far in that direction. But if it's just having a slightly better outlook, that's awesome and I hope it persists.
It's not random peoples' cars. It's cars at Tesla dealerships.
All of the burned cars that I have seen have been owned by Tesla dealerships. At least people are attacking the company's property at much greater scale than individual owners.
More likely they want information that gives them an edge. I don't think China is offering USA citizens jobs.
Secretary Kegbreath
Everyone needs to adopt this. Absolutely awesome.
I believe it.
No one will hold a grudge and sell out our country. /s
18% of Americans are fucking nuts.
Don't I know it!
But it's not because Lee Harvey Oswald played it.
Smart take. This needs to be a thing.