
joined 2 years ago
[–] some_guy 2 points 6 hours ago

Smart take. This needs to be a thing.

[–] some_guy 2 points 6 hours ago

No, see LHO played it. That's how he got radicalized.

[–] some_guy 1 points 6 hours ago

I've had too much of an antidepressant kick me into a manic state. Watch carefully to avoid getting too far in that direction. But if it's just having a slightly better outlook, that's awesome and I hope it persists.

[–] some_guy 3 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

It's not random peoples' cars. It's cars at Tesla dealerships.

[–] some_guy 2 points 6 hours ago

All of the burned cars that I have seen have been owned by Tesla dealerships. At least people are attacking the company's property at much greater scale than individual owners.

[–] some_guy 1 points 6 hours ago

More likely they want information that gives them an edge. I don't think China is offering USA citizens jobs.

[–] some_guy 2 points 9 hours ago

Secretary Kegbreath

Everyone needs to adopt this. Absolutely awesome.

[–] some_guy 5 points 9 hours ago

I believe it.


Relevant HN discussion if anyone wants to see a discussion on a larger tech board for insights:

[–] some_guy 10 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

No one will hold a grudge and sell out our country. /s

[–] some_guy 7 points 9 hours ago

18% of Americans are fucking nuts.

[–] some_guy 2 points 1 day ago

Don't I know it!

[–] some_guy 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

But it's not because Lee Harvey Oswald played it.

Contempt Of Court (

The progression is clear: first came the word games and barely-technically-accurate-but-misleading declarations, then the exploitation of court procedures and customs, and now increasingly open defiance coupled with attempts to paint any judge who enforces the law as politically biased. This is how institutional guardrails get dismantled — not through dramatic confrontation, but through a thousand small acts of contempt that gradually normalize the idea that court orders are merely suggestions to be cleverly evaded.

We are fucked, friends.


No one could have predicted this. /s


Oh noez! Anyway…

2x again (self.nicole)


For myself, I've been feeling a lot of despair, but try to balance things out by going to music shows and the like. Tonight, I'm going to a local comedy show with a buddy. I think I'd be in terrible shape if I was single; living with my partner for the past 15 months has made all the difference.

Hope you're doing ok and if you aren't, I hope it turns around for you soon.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by some_guy to c/

Describes how police investigated to catch people.

Edit: Didn't realize this was subscriber only (cause I'm a subscriber and could read it in my RSS feed). Archive link.


These are the actions of an autocrat.


President Donald Trump has named former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, pardoned by Trump after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI, to the board that oversees the West Point military academy.

This guy lied to the FBI and admitted it. He spoke at an event shortly after the Myanmar coup and said, "Why can't we do that here?" He recorded a video of his family making a pledge to the Qanon conspiracy theory (dems drink the blood of babies). He's literally not well. But he has fealty to Trump, and that's all that matters.


At some point, the Maria account also posted the exact same videos as the Maria Dopari account but with a different face. It appears that for three videos posted between March 6 and 8, the Maria account accidentally used a face from one of its other fake personas, called Lana, which posts under several usernames under some variation of lana.down, the biggest of which has of 43,800 followers. The Maria account then continued posting with the face it used regularly. In some cases 404 Media was able to identify the original videos that were being stolen by these accounts.



I’ll take whatever good news we can get.

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