submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml


Israelis are defending themselves from people weaker than them, so brave.
It's a unilateral massacre of civilians, nothing like a war, and the result of indoctrinating israelis since their birth to f*cking hate palestinians.
At least Russia's claim about n.a.t.o.'s encroaching the Black Sea and the surroundings of Moscow is more valid, and could have easily been avoided(, if we listened to their demands of a "sphere of influence"). A few millions of poor palestinians can't manage to defend themselves or their territory, they're not a threat justifying a ~~war~~ unilateral massacre

And by creating much more palestinian terrorists/resistants than they've murdered, their security has been lowered, if "Bibi" wasn't already on this path, now any future peace plan is even more compromised, Yigal Amir has won.

There may not be anyone right now to stop them from taking always more, but perhaps that, one day, israelis will be treated like they treated palestinians for a change. And we(sterners) will also be treated like we treated the rest of the world(, e.g., maintained in poverty/inequality, used in proxy wars, feeling our powerlessness, etc.). Or we could also evolve to avoid international domination/hegemony.

(Still think that one day every nation will fragment into city-states and borders will be meaningless, for Israel as well. Or not. And that a good plan could be to change them into something closer to islam and the policies/decisions of the islamic states, perhaps)

Such a dictatorship (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

From https://x.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1826938179225530767

In the u.s.s.r. as well b.t.w. :

From USSR : 100 Questions and Answers

Quite a lot to say about this accusation of dictatorship, but here's one : https://x.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1826401385199665398
Or two : https://x.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1825212376083488881
It's useless to point out that we'd never have heard of these accusations if they were capitalists. And they're supported by leftists.

Well, sanctions do a good job to destroy their country anyway...

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/china@lemmygrad.ml

« Over the 16-year period since 2008, the number of years it takes for an average Chinese manufacturing worker to afford a basic plug-in EV has fallen from ~9 years to <1.
This is while the technical/performance specs have increased dramatically. »

Solar :
« This year, China will add more solar power than the US’ entire installed capacity!
🔹hOw aBoUt cOaL? China will add 50GW of coal power plants this year, while adding 200GW of renewable. »

More : 1, 2, 3, 4

Nuclear as well :

Oil :

And everything else really

Even forests

And pollution :

« China’s pollution levels in 2021 had fallen 42% from 2013 »
«If China’s contribution were disregarded, global air pollution would have increased, not declined, in the 2010s » :

Finally : 1, 2, etc.

Seems like the future isn't here.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

Like, openly western-backed : https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/world/americas/claude-joseph-haiti-stepping-down.html

And here's the article : https://apnews.com/article/cnhv-cubans-haitians-nicaraguans-venezuelans-parole-border-8440fe7e468dc985fb8939ccaa1be8e8


I don't expect any definitive answer, but i/we could perhaps learn a few things in this thread.

Most people here already know that Kenya has been called to restore order(, and keep being pro-west, otherwise we'd encourage riots as usual).
Last time it was Canada, although more things probably happened since then.
Of course, they're paid less than a dollar an hour and are expected to be grateful to even have a job, that opening their economy to foreign investors will bring them prosperity to all, or w/e.

As far as i remember, the assassins of Jovenel Moïse were mercenaries captured in Columbia ? A dead-end apparently, weird that they managed to capture them without learning the contractor's identity, perhaps were they hired without being aware of it, i don't know much about this.

It's out of topic, but damn do i keep remembering the awful tortures inflicted for YEARS to presumed masterminds of 9/11, they went to hospitals SEVERAL times because of anal bleeding and i can't imagine how much they begged to be allowed to die, we'll never know what depraved torments they had to live through, and i don't know if it's worse than the millions of people we killed, but it's so awful, i keep thinking about this and wanted to place it somewhere.
Yet Julian Assange has been freed, there are also many other good news.

Anyway, if you have some informations to share i'm interested.

Water is Hamas... (lemmygrad.ml)


How many more will have to die ?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml


Yeah, by sovereignty, he's referring to West Bank annexation.
Iran has been warning us for decades.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/china@lemmygrad.ml

From https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3263878/chinese-scientists-report-world-first-they-cure-patients-diabetes-cell-therapy

In a related topic, most of us never saw chinese blockbusters https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films_in_China (, and usually not movies from other countries)

But we're a democracy fighting for freedom while they're an evil dictatorship whose citizens are praying to be liberated.

Also(, it's (kinda )out of topic but on my mind currently), as Zak Cope pointed out in « The wealth of (some) nations », so called "communist" western political parties aren't internationalist/humanist :
And if the last communist countries can't realistically help other countries even more than they're currently doing because it may 'weaken them'&'cause their destruction', then they only have to make public declarations that, once certain metrics are realized ensuring their long-lasting survival, then measures of wealth equality among countries will then automatically be taken, it's not hard to do better than those/westerners/nationalists who aren't even trying(, on the contrary, i'm often remembering that Thomas Jefferson tried to prevent the publication of Ricardo's Principles in the u.s.a.(, Reinert 1996, p. 5) ; even if 'free trade'//protectionism and the principle of infant-industries is only a part of neo-colonialism, it's good to remember that « throughout the nineteenth century and up to the 1920s, the USA was the fastest growing economy in the world, despite being the most protectionist during almost all of this period »).

edit1 : « Important as tariff protection may have been in the development of most NDCs[, Newly Developed Countries, from XVIIIth-century Britain to XXth-century Korea], it was — I repeat — by no means the only, nor even necessarily the most important, policy tool used by these countries in promoting infant industries. There were many other tools, such as export subsidies, tariff rebates on inputs used for exports, conferring of monopoly rights, cartel arrangements, directed credits, investment planning, manpower planning, R&D supports and the promotion of institutions that allow public-private cooperation. ». Zak Cope talked about colonial tribute, monopoly rent, and unequal exchange(, and value transfer, e.g., « For every dollar’s worth of goods exported from the Philippines in 1961, approximately five times as many hours of labour had to be invested as in a dollars worth of goods exported from Canada. »), while other authors added other factors(, as an other example, Lenin's (old )view is famous and his 5 points were updated here by 8 authors starting from scratch at each chapter with their own view). Their description of the causes/consequences/context aren't incompatible, nor are Jason Hickel's arguments, or Samir Amin, nor is adding our nationalism/'lack of humanism/good-will' in the balance, etc.

edit2 : (ITT : International Trade Theory)
« According to Maddison's estimate, throughout the nineteenth century the ratio of per capita income in PPP terms between the poorest NDCs (say, Japan and Finland) and the richest NDCs (say, the Netherlands and the UK) was about 2 or 4 to 1. Nowhere is this as big as the gap between today's developing and developed countries.
When in the late nineteenth century the USA accorded an average tariff protection of over 40 per cent to its industries, its per capita income in PPP terms was already about three quarters that of Britain ($2,599 vs. $3,511 in 1875).
Compared to this, the 71 per cent trade-weighted average tariff rate that India had just prior to the WTO agreement — despite the fact that its per capita income in PPP terms is only about one fifteenth that of the USA — makes the country look like a veritable champion of free trade. Following the WTO agreement, India cut its trade-weighted average tariff to 32 per cent, bringing it down to a level below which the USA's average tariff rate never sank between the end of the Civil War and the Second World War. »

i.d.k. but it's at least suspicious

And Israel can still bomb defenceless civilians under the absurd impossible goal of "destroying" anti-zionists, after oppressing them for almost a century, and being the main/only obstacle to (the unilateral palestinian loss of )a two-states solution(, along the 1967 borders obviously). It's apparently easy to switch from victim to tormentor when given the opportunity, i think that they're acting out of greed(, for more territory), not self-defense, they're not victims ; and, 3 generations later, we don't owe the current awful beings any "free pass" for the victims of ww2, nor do we owe anything to the current russians for the many soviet deaths. If they don't trust that allowing a palestinian state will ensure their safety, then they have a problem and need to find a solution, a world army is less far-fetched than overthrowing every neighbor that is still pro-palestinian, but are they even searching for a way to ensure their safety, and is it the real reason for their refusal ? A first step would be to publicly explain why they're refusing a "two-states solution" instead of assuming(, in secret like a good head of state, westerner or not,) that there's no answer to their objection, most of the world want to help them to make peace, it's not like in the case of Russia-Ukraine where the n.a.t.o. refuses to 'change their mind'/'abandon (the anti-russians/pro-western in )Ukraine'(, which would solve everything,) and nobody can 'do anything'/'force them', here there're more than one solution and it's mostly Israel that is refusing to go back to the 1967's borders among other things for reasons that can be solved if they share it with (tens of )thousands of researchers ready to debate and offer innovative/new options to solve their preoccupations/'causes of refusal'.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

Here : https://x.com/NimerSultany/status/1798264979445207286

I just realized that Caitlin Johnstone also retweeted this. If you haven't read this post from her, then i think you should. Israel's trying to pass as the victim when every metric points to them as the tormentor, who clearly doesn't need to be so cruel, and (the current government/population )doesn't even seek/'believe in' a two-states solution, they're overthrowing&killing everything in the name of their survival(, and lying, so many lies, if this isn't the proof that they're ashamed of the truth...).
I'm sure that they can't really believe that they're "fighting Hamas", and certainly should consider Hamas' revendications as legitimate since palestinians are right to ask for more than what they're currently getting, i'm certain that palestinians could end up agreeing with Israel's existence as their goodwill was proven more than once since the Oslo accords(, and before). Antisemites could embrace the challenge of converting anti-muslims living in Israel, cohabitation is clearly possible. I think Israel prefers to kill&overthrow everyone because they're afraid that even the atomic bomb won't protect them, that making peace will only give time for their enemies to gather their forces. Which is why they should support a world peace(, world army, supranational institutions, ...), as well as making sure that they're forgiven for stealing the Holy lands, and doing what they can to be integrated with their neighbours, etc. Peace isn't impossible, yet they&we(sterners) have chosen the continuation of the archaic war that never made anyone safe : https://x.com/caitoz/status/1797585791989985668

(edit : sure, it's good and all to forgive this(, and even to accept that ?), but killing innocent israelis indiscriminately isn't less awful than killing clearly innocent palestinians, i'll trust the lex talionis to say that they're not terrorists but victims/resistants, and that this collective "punishment" is yet another stain on the name of Israel, and, more importantly, there's this unilateral loss of a two-states solution, while waiting for a day when borders wouldn't mean much anyway, a common state with jews, muslims, christians and whatnot, something perpetually better than yesterday is the goal i guess. Ukraine/'Anti-russians ukrainians' should give up on their pro-western stance because it obviously endanger n.a.t.o.'s ("strategic"🙄 )enemies(, or Russia should give up on its non-western partners), it's easier to do than giving up on a multi-millenial religion(, not that 'muslims gave'/'converting to islam would mean giving' up the jewish religion, even traditions could be kept by forming a new sect, oh well...)
(And she's decidedly very good

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

List of Audiobooks : https://dessalines.github.io/essays/audiobooks.html
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@dessalines6388/videos

Don't miss out on his essays : https://github.com/dessalines/essays, https://dessalines.github.io/essays

It's just a little appreciation post, now you know if you didn't already

(and his username quite probably comes from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Dessalines)
(If i'm adding a bit of stalking : he was a mod of /r/LateStageCapitalism if i'm not mistaken, under the username /u/parentis_shotgun)

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Massive defundings and privatizations in sight...

And :

And b.t.w., contrary to what is often said, the huge i.m.f. debt(, with an 8.07% interest rate, more than others,) is the responsability of the right, as usual :

more here

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Oh, so you do negotiate with terrorists ? Seems like we(sterners) will simply refuse to negotiate when we're stronger.

They've already lost more territory than if they immediately accepted russian terms 20 months ago(, instead they killed their negotiators for treason).

Seems like Russia made the right choice, i'm glad it didn't end up in the definitive end of the world by nuclear weapons over this.

Demilitarisation is necessary because you don't know what the future elections will bring. Russia's has more than one goal, but i think that its main one was/is to avoid the transformation of Ukraine into n.a.t.o.'s tool( against them), i'm glad if they succeeded in that, and sorry for everyone's deaths&injuries.

Now we(sterners) will try to open other fronts, Georgia is still in our mind, Scandinavia and Baltic states as well, but Central Asia is even more interesting, especially Kazakhstan, Ukraine was only one of the options and it's not "our" deaths, only paper money(, like, what, 5% of our military budget ? It'd still be profitable even if it wasn't in loans and from our own military industries).

Of course, as everyone knows, stopping our conflicts with the many countries who disagree with us is out of the question, because... (?)

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

They claim to fight disinformation yet speak about a "technical glitch", classic, just like cops lying on their depositions, what a way to set an example.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Australian_Indigenous_Voice_referendum#Advertising_and_media :
Mass media in Australia are highly concentrated, with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Australia dominating the landscape, owning over two-thirds of leading newspapers along with most online news websites ; three News Corp outlets occupy the top three positions in the nation, based on popularity and viewership.
The majority of News Corp's content was commentary, not reporting, so when the various articles and videos were examined together, around 70% of the coverage favoured "No" arguments.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Lol, ok.

It's easy to make another account if someone ever misses their content, but i don't see a difference while sorting by "everything" for now.

For those interested :

Being defederated is way better than being banned sitewide, it's a good alternative.
They call themselves ".world", but they're really just on the side of the west in the end.
It could add a bit of mystery if talking to them on another account : « communism is so dangerous that they don't want you to hear about it »

(Link1, Link2)

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, totally, they did what they could for n.a.t.o. to publicly acknowledge three times their demand from October 2021 to January 2022 but were ignored if i'm only relying on my memories. And they threatened Ukraine in the beginning of 2021 by amassing their troops at their borders but then retreated, so it wasn't some kind of unprovoked invasion coming from nowhere, our heads of state were clearly aware of the russian demands but lied to their population as usual(, because we're too stupid to be told the truth or sthg).
I'd have to find the sources here as well, but Ukraine already wrote in its constitution that joining the n.a.t.o. was a national priority, and as usual we'll have to thank Eastern Galicia for that(, so it's not a russian illusion about some imaginary threat, they possibly waited for V.Putin to step down before acting), and apparently european "partners" were much less insistant on Ukraine's admission than americans(, confirmed in facts but i still kinda doubt it), the most famous warning about n.a.t.o. expansion dated back from the Munich security conference in 2007, but it can be found since 1991.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The opposite seems more truthful : the n.a.t.o. and e.u. were given every chances to welcome Russia, but they immediately took steps to establish their hegemony(, including the bombing of Yugoslavia, and the whole Middle-East), before "protecting protesters" in Lybia V.Putin already knew that we were the biggest liars on Earth, he saw what was hidden behind our lies and opposed Dmitry Medvedev(, almost every article from 2011 says that it was rare for him), who was ready to believe us one more time(, and quickly regretted his trust).
We(sterners) had more than one chance to be united in diversity, we still have this possibility now, instead we're opposing everyone who doesn't conform to our "values". If we(sterners)'re not stopped then neo-colonialism won't end and any country judged too diverse will be forced to conform. Also, Russia is considered too large/powerful and hence too difficult to control, thus a potential threat to western hegemony/"enforced peace", allowing western hegemony may imply a smaller and/or less powerful Russia.
There's more details on everything that Russia(, and even the u.s.s.r. before,) did in order to unite with the west, but we're so certain of our moral&economic&military&.. superiority that we won't agree to any concession.
It's a badly written comment, there's only two arguments and i'd have to search in my computer folders for any sources i may have(, i remember that in the first years after Yeltsin resigned, V.Putin took many measures to unite with the west, and obtained such things as the NATO-Russia Council). I still think that there's a lot of truth in writing that Russia had&'will have' to abandon its diversity in order to have a hope of uniting with the west(, in the sense of not being unfairly attacked by our politicians&medias since they're probably too big to be integrated into the e.u. anyway, they could join n.a.t.o. but they would have to agree with our goal for hegemony and apparently prefer to suffer than being immoral).

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, i took his comment way too literally since its false sense of security made me feel uneasy, he obviously meant that it's (a bit )harder, not impossible. We should be sanctioned ourselves to feel/understand them, the economic destructions they cause are also responsible for an unrest attributed to the leaders(, it'd be much harder to lead China if its economy wasn't doing so well). It's not "using the sanctions as a leverage" but "maintaining their head under the water until they submit".
The only way out, if autarcy isn't a valid option(, autarcy ≠ protectionnism, only the first one is nocive), is to have allies who defies sanctions, usually covertly. What's the point of being able to produce phones using 5G if you can't sell them ? And most of us ignore what we're doing to Huawei, it sucks. Did you know that Huawei sole shareholders were their employees, or that Canada imprisoned Meng Wanzhou for two and a half years ? And i'm ignoring so many more things.

It's interesting to note that China was one of the few countries who didn't follow the recommendations about market freedoms, i've read from some authors that it's not a coincidence if free markets are only successful for the already wealthy countries, and not the global South.
Your article from the awesome Moon of Alabama(, leftist "disinformation" that ought to be banned at some point, not read enough to worry the powerful,) remind me of this approach to speak about neocolonialism(, there're others but this one may be the most known(, the most visible being the salary differences)).
I've looked at it in the beginning of this year, and made this tl;dr of a chapter from the pro-capitalism(, yet anti-neoliberalism/'free markets',) Ha-Joon Chang in his book "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism", have a look if you're interested :)

Also, i never tire to cite what may be my ~favorite tweet :

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Economic sanctions aren't only on materials(, e.g., sanctions on Russia's central bank), but even when they are, they don't only concern the exportation of raw materials, but also their importation, as well as the importation&exportation of manufactured products, which means that out of these 4 cases there's 3 that impact industries. Correct me if i'm wrong.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Always the same map.

And also, apart from multilateralism/anti-imperialism, there's a (new) rise of left-wing politicians in South America :

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If Saudi Arabia was that much allied with the u.s. it'd have accepted Israel and wouldn't be criticized that much, and would also play its expected role against Iran, they also made peace with Yemen, i didn't expected that. Don't forget that S.Hussein was also our ally in the past, things change. As long as it's good news for them and not bad news for the others then it's a reason to rejoice i.m.h.o.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, are the three most important countries in the Middle-East, with a historical influence going back farther than England's influence in the European Union. The United Arab Emirates also have a lot of influence.
I just hope that they won't be sanctioned or something.

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