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I had a fucking chemistry teacher who told the class that microwaved water was different (and linked to cancer)
The water itself doesn’t care (to my knowledge). The container on the other hand…
That's why you should use metal bowl
Right! Let's microwave all our food and drink in plastic! No harm when all the BPA and garbage leaches into it.
"Plastic in every testicle they tested..." once again comes to mind!
Yeah, I prefer my (ceramic) plates and bowls for that purpose. I HOPE those don't leak anything too nasty into my food when microwaved.
There's no BPA in plastic food containers.
Anymore. We banned it.
But we didn't ban BPS.
I had a coworker who watched some idiotic video where someone showed "proof" that microwaved water kills plants. I never saw that video so I imagined they poured the boiling water onto the plants. He was adamant that it was true. "I know what I saw", blabla.
Well, microwaves can affect your food. Though only a handful (of hundreds) of antioxidans in berries, same as if you leave them a few days in the fridge. But no issues with water.