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For this Friday Movie Night, first up is The Bridges of Madison County (1995), the much-acclaimed adaptation of Robert James Waller’s 1992 novel of the same name. Clint Eastwood goes to a rural Iowa farm and starts schmoozing Meryl Streep, who is already married. Drama ensues as their romance escalates. Pretty much the definition of Oscar bait, but hey, we’ve never watched any of Clint Eastwood’s filmography and this one has excellent reviews everywhere, so let’s check it out. Probably one of your mom’s favorite films.
After that is The Great Silence (1968), the magnum opus of the second-most-famous Spaghetti Western director, Sergio Corbucci, whose film Django (1966) we previously watched. In the chilly Western winter of 1898, a mute gunslinger defends a widow from a gang of sociopathic hitmen out to kill her, and the usual assortment of threats and gun duels follows from there. Dudes are gonna have to rock. Great reviews for this one, so we’ll give it a whirl.
We’ll start at 8PM EST on Hextube, right here:
Be there, comrades!
Letterboxd: links:
CWs for The Bridges of Madison County:
- Sex.
- Nudity.
- Cheating.
- Implied domestic abuse.
- Alcohol.
- Smoking.
- Shower scene.
CWs for The Great Silence:
- The villain is played by real-life psychopath Klaus Kinski.
- Implied child abuse.
- Death of horse.
- Sexual assault: the villain pins a woman down with the intent to r*pe her. Nothing more is really shown, though, and he is stopped.
- Shaving.
- Burning of hands and face.
- Amputation.
- Finger mutilation.
- Death of parent.
- Kidnapping.
- Spitting.
- N-word.
- Sex.
- Blood and gore.
- Gun violence.
- Sad ending.
Links to movies:
Movies at 8PM EST!