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Love to get ruthlessly dogpiled for being the only one to make thanksgiving political when I tell someone that “No, actually Europe is not an authoritarian country for having different driving tests than the United States”
Actually, the US is fascist for using easy driving tests to deputise its citizens so they can kill protestors and children with SUVs.
I failed my driving exam, in the U.S., twice, but it was for total fucking bullshit. One failure she claimed I was speeding. No, I was watching my speedometer, I never went over 35. The second failure it was LIGHTLY RAINING, like, imagine the lightest fucking rain imaginable. I got failed for not turning my windshield wipers on automatic.... I was just manually operating them as needed. Because it was barely fucking raining. But I got this "blah blah blah state law when it's raining you gotta turn on the wipers" bullshit. Fuck those assholes, wasting my fucking time on absolute nonsense.
Sounds like Massachusetts lol
When you are in a situation like this, the best way to argue is to pretend to be a dumbass and ask lots of questions you already know the answer to, especially questions that are "But doesnt the US do that with xyz?"