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I'm playing through Shin Megami Tensei IV on the 3DS, so good! I'm a sucker for the SMT games and it's making me want to get V on the switch, so I'll probably be doing that soon. Also, I really enjoy the 3D effect and play with it on consistently.
I'm still finishing ToTK, as I'm 100% it and it just takes an insane amount of time I simply do not have. And as always Animal Crossing on the switch.
I've also booted up ZombiU on the Wii U and am playing through that again late at night. It really encapsulates how much of a missed opportunity the Wii U was. What a fantastic, unique gaming experience it is.
P.S. I am tempted to buy XCX on the Switch, as I played it religiously on the Wii U, but I'm still mad they shut down the servers when I was still playing with some friends online and enjoying the social aspect it brought. So, I'll probably just start over and play it on the Wii U single player.
100%-ing TotK does sound like it will take forever - it means like visiting all reas on the map, getting all korok seeds, photographing everything, right? Did you 100% BotW as well? I felt like I did quite a lot of optional stuff in BotW, but still wasn't anywhere close to 100%
I 100% it about a year after TotK came out, what took so long is I went back on Master Mode and started 100% that. And then I bought TotK and got to work lol. I enjoy 100% as it's not something that takes a lot of brain power and I only do it after I beat a game normally, so I can progress the story at a normal pace.
I have been interested in SMT V, but am afraid of the difficulty, I am not very good at these games.
I can understand not wanting to pay again for a game, specially when they stop supporting it. There are some quality of life changes in Switch version though, if you need a reason to justify buying it again. Nothing wrong with playing on Wii U again, if you don't care about those though.
Should not be too much of a problem.
I didn't find the Normal setting too hard, but if you struggle with it there's an Easy difficulty and IIRC you can change it at almost any time. And there's even a Free DLC adding a Super Easy "Safety" mode.
Interesting. Didn't know that. Thanks for the info!
Unfortunately, I don't think there's enough improvements to justify $60 again, but I'm a cheapskate.
No, $60 isn't a small amount, and very few games are worth buying again (in my opinion).