Always cringe associated buero
Always Calling Assholes Buttholes
Aristocrats cancel another buttfucking
Goddamn that’s the third time this year
Attribute Based Access Control
It's not quite ACAB, but it is close enough that I do a double take every time I see it.
Is that Spanish?
No i am building my own language with blackjack and hookers
Asthmatic Cat Acrobatic Bitches
Always cringe associated buero
Always Calling Assholes Buttholes
Aristocrats cancel another buttfucking
Goddamn that’s the third time this year
Attribute Based Access Control
It's not quite ACAB, but it is close enough that I do a double take every time I see it.
Is that Spanish?
No i am building my own language with blackjack and hookers
Is that Spanish?
Asthmatic Cat Acrobatic Bitches