I'll save you a click: they're being recalled, of course, because people are eating them.
Recall Alerts
A place to post product recalls. Recalls can be national or local, even just one store down the street. Nor are they limited to one country, if a product is declared unsafe by the government or the maker, share it here.
Title should reflect what's being recalled, body should say where and/or have a link to the announcement.
And our species beat out all the other hominids
Imagine how dumb Neanderthals must have been.
Their brain was bigger and took longer to fully mature so it could be that Neanderthals were smarter and would not be stupid enough to eat magnets.
Maybe we were more social or aggressive, wasted less energy or they were just absorbed or killed by our species.
Mr Life of the Party over here
Probably ate colored non-ferrous rocks
This isn't a new issue. Buckyballs have been on our radar for years. I bought some in 2015 and when I got mine there were warnings about not eating them as they can magnet inside the body and pinch intestines and whatnot.
Buckyballs are amazing. You can make some really neat shapes and the taste is delicious.
It doesn't taste like pinching to me!
Yep, I got some then and I thought they had shutdown due to this, but then I noticed here a couple years ago that they made a comeback, and I got some more...
Even though they were banned for a while, you could always get them from China on places like AliExpress and wish.
Didn't we do this already? I remember a big bruhaha about legislation banning tiny magnets as toys. Is '24 going to be the year of the rerun?
Reality is like Hollywood, just recycling old ideas at this point.
And that's why we can't have nice things - too many retards are alive and somehow we need to protect them from themselves at the expense of everyone else.
I agree with the sentiment but would request not using the r-word. There are plenty of other pejoratives available.
Go back to Reddit with this crap.
wow shame on you dude
Thanks for making Lemmy the new Reddit.
You replied to the wrong comment.
Agreed, it is very retarded to use such word and it shouldn't
Oh to be 11 and edgy again
Could be worse. They could be your age and getting offended about a word they read online.
I'm not offended, I just don't punch down by using slurs directed at marginalised groups. When you grow up you'll understand.
Lol, get a load of this retard.
You French kiss your mother with that mouth? Shame
Do words have meaning to ourselves?
I thought these were banned in the US quite a few years ago for the same reason…
So did I, so I was surprised to see the recall
Why are Americans eating magnets
Children do odd things
The problem is when you eat more than one, right?
Or just one and any ferrous object. It is good to have options.
True that. But are there really that many magnetically reacting food objects?
They already ate a magnet. Other non foods aren't off the table.
Off the table, into the mouth
I feel like I read this story every year. When will retailers learn?
When will people learn? I feel like you can't blame retailers for people eating magnets...
But then again, 'muricans. I guess retailers should know their audience
When they start losing money.
Yeah they need to learn that people are dumb.
You're not supposed to eat them... SMH my head
SMH my head
Shaking my head my head.
He's had one too many magnet snacks
The first time I saw a meme with SMH in it, I somehow interpreted it as So Much Hate. In that meme, and many others honestly, I think it fits.
Post locked due to people not being humans.
Annual tradition!