Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
- No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia. Don't care if it's ironic don't post comments or content like that here.
- Mark spoilers
- No bad mouthing sonic games here :no-copyright:
- No gamers allowed :soviet-huff:
- No squabbling or petty arguments here. Remember to disengage and respect others choice to do so when an argument gets too much
forgot all about this dweeb
To be fair, I think it's a bit?
great bit
Chuds will find anything to victimize themselves about. Maybe if this dude has work ethic, he wouldn't be so attached to the radical left speedrunning community.
E: if this is a bit, I got got. Still leaving this comment since I'm pissy and need shit to bitch about.
schedule is here:
It's really nice, especially how it links to the recordings.
I just wish they kept the console information. And also were clearer if all the vs stuff was just like, a bidwar for choosing the game to run. It kind of confused me for a bit.
I'm just gonna use this thread to comment on the runs for todsay, I'll make another tomorrow if I can be fucked.
THAT MONKEYBALL RUN. I fucking love monkeyball runs, the physics control and pause strats are always so entertaining. I'm impressed everytime now matter how many times I see them. masterful
so ready to turn off chat and watch this with ttv lol pro
had to mute the stream because they kept saying "ohh banana"
coward, I said 'oh banana' in the stupid voice every time until my partner was driven mad
i was legitimately getting mad lmao
That Elden Ring vs Sekiro run is very intriguing
the tails onesy is CUTE!
I have a friend who liveposts the schedule and updates/interesting bits from every gdq in memory but hasn't posted about this one at all.
Maybe I should just check in on him
My main gripe with GDQ is that it always seems to be the same set of games every event.
Like do we really need to see Paper Mario TTYD for the 4th, or Donkey Kong 64 for the 6th time?
Meanwhile, even mainstream Nintendo games like Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, Bowser's Inside Story and Dream Team haven't been shown a single time in the last decade. Why?
They have the same set of bigger games I think but during COVID, since they did it remotely for a few years, we've seen quite a few games that aren't normally run and a ton of runners from outside the states that wouldn't have had a chance to show off their skills otherwise. It's been a really nice change of pace from the years before COVID that I've seen.
For example, yesterday someone ran Tails Adventure on an actual Gamegear and I dunno if I've ever seen that before. I'm also not familiar with quite a chunk of runners this year and I'd like to think I keep up with the community to some degree.