I gotta admit though that it's a pretty awesome coincidence that the moon is the size and at a distance that makes it look approximately the same size as the sun and allows us to have amazing looking eclipses.
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But the moon is slowly drifting away from the Earth so it will not be true in the relatively near future.
Okay, not as near as I thought, although I did mean "relatively" compared to the age of the Earth.
Good save there
Or, you know, me admitting I was wrong but still clarifying.
They said "relatively". So it's okay.
I don't know if this is sarcastic, but pedantic and edifying are a venn diagram
And the sun is expanding, too.
May take a while but if you look closely you will notice. Just wait.
I was concerned about my eyes so I asked google before.
Gemini said it is ok to stare at it
I followed it's instructions and glued my eyes open!
What if the earth and moon hung out a bit more and developed some better shared hobbies or something? Can we heal this relationship and stop this drifting-apart problem?
How many centuries of science progress do you think we lost with this “awesome coincidence”?
A bigger or smaller moon in the sky would have probably made the mechanism of the solar system a little more obvious for sure.
I'm guessing basically 0 years, honestly. Both are visible in the sky at the same time, so I'm not really sure what being different sizes would clarify.
I think too much order lead to a loss of information.
Of course they are visible at the time so we know they are not the same. But the way we Humans generalize concepts around ridiculously little set of data makes me think that most of people must have looked at the sky, decided they were the same type of things that have definitely always been there, and just forget about it. “Nah we good, those are Gods. Don’t think about it and don’t make them angry”.
This is the type of coincidence that is blinding in a way. People naturally give way too much attention to random things. There are literally tons of textbooks examples of events that look totally improbable, but will in fact appear constantly (meeting someone who knows someone you know in an airplane, meeting someone with the same birthday at a wedding etc).
we have gained from this awesome coincidence. A solar eclipse was used to prove einstein's theories the first time. This coincidence was exactly what they needed to observe the stars which appear very close to the sun, without the sun's light washing them out, and measure how much their light was bent by the sun's mass. Too big or too small and it would have taken much longer to prove.
Only for this specific eclipse. Sometimes the moon is closer, so it completely shrouds the sun and we get to see the ghosty heliosphere of illuminated gasses. Other timed the sun is smaller and we get a ring of fire. Curiously sometimes Mercury gets in the way, but it's so far away, and so close to the sun it appears as a tiny black dot.
But the earth (and most of the solar system) is so tiny it barely exists. Jupiter retains a tiny bit of mass, to the sun, we are microbial. We humans are fleas on fleas.
Pretty sure the sun is way more than seven times brighter than the moon
Edit: after a quick internet search, the sun looks to be about 400,000 times brighter than the moon
That might be, but the moon is more important, since it shines at night when it's dark. The sun is only in the sky during the day, when there's plenty of light anyway.
during the day, when there's plenty of light anyway
b- because of the sun, no? or is that the joke i'm missing lol
Technically, TECHNICALLY, the Sun is infinitely brighter than the Moon since it emits no light at all ☝️
eh, as a videographer who measures and labels the output of lights professionally sometimes, we count bounced lights as lights.
thank god a videographer chimed in
Someone uttered for the first time ever
It is actually quite interesting how similar in perspective-skewed size the sun anf moon are.
Depends a lot on the date/time, the moon's size in the sky can shift a LOT based on a lot of factors to being a fraction of the sun's size to being much larger than the sun (or I think supermoons look bigger than the sun, idk)
I got to see 2 eclipses this year, and they were very different due to the relative size of the moon appearing smaller in August than in April.
FYI, annular eclipse WAY less-cool.
It’s not the burgers fault. That’s just a really small car.
I would say, this one is normal sized. It's the other cars which... aren't.
But this is a tiny burger for sure.
I mean, it's possible if the burger is American. Unless the car is also American.
They could actually be one in the same:
I forget some people went to the Rocket The Raccoon school of perception.
"Come on, Ted. Sure it's no more peculiar than all that stuff we learned in the seminary, you know, Heaven and Hell and everlasting life and all that type of thing. You're not meant to take it seriously, Ted!"
I agree with who made the meme. Their angular size is the same.