I'll try it. Could be pretty good
Food Crimes - Offenses against nutrition
Welcome to Food Crimes! This community is here to collect all and any post about cursed food and generally unusual consumables.
Right now, here’s the rules:
- Posts must include an image or video containing food or drink.
- It must be unusual or cursed in some way. a. For example, something like Doritos Milk would be unusual, but normal milk would not.
- No AI posts whatsoever, and any images that were altered (Ex: Photoshop, Gimp) need to be tagged.
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- Edited - The image was manipulated with editing software.
- OC - You made this cursed food yourself!
- Meta - Relating to the community itself.
Finished checking out all the posts here? Also checkout !shittyfoodporn@lemmy.ca!
(BTW, I’m looking for someone to help mod here! I myself would not be enough if this community goes beyond a few posts a day.)
Right? Sweet and savory often go well together.
People argue about whether pineapple belongs on pizza, meanwhile someone out there is doing this.
Okay, so I suggested I'd be open to trying this.
I did.
I strongly suggest everyone else try it too.
Not because it's good, but because I can't bear to be the only one with memories of this horror.
Like, I've eaten bugs raw. I've eaten possum stew. I've eaten Jersey Mike's ffs.
But this? While not as bad tasting as possum stew, it is a nightmare in its own way.
I love chocolate. Like, I would have sex with chocolate, but my wife made me promise not to as long as we're together because monogamy. I would roll myself in chocolate, then devour myself in an ouroboros like frenzy. The running joke is that if you coated deer poop in chocolate, and told me that's what it was, I would still lick the chocolate off. Me and chocolate go together like fish and water, in that I will fill a tub with it and drown myself in it and die happy.
You see what I'm getting at?
Okay. I still didn't like this abomination
Reese's cups barely qualify as chocolate, but that still clashed with the sauce and cheese in an unpleasant way. I'd liken it to drinking OJ after brushing your teeth, in that each chew cycled through bitterness, and I thought it would be over, but the peanut butter would break things up and make it happen again.
The sweetness made the sauce taste bad, and the sauce ruined the chocolate and peanut butter. All you got was this sugary mess of bitter tomato and the old-sock taste of the cheese. Most cheese has that funky bit underneath, but this made it the only part that would come through.
Strangely, the texture wasn't bad. Not great, but it wasn't offputting.
In all honesty, I can't call it foul. I have had way worse things in my mouth (including an ex or two). But it was decidedly unpleasant.
Seriously, you have to try it just to experience how bad it really is
I'm trying to involve imagine the taste, and can't quite manage it. We don't eat pizza often nowadays, but ima have to try a single bite like this the next time we do.
I think it'll be horrible, where the good things about a Reese's cup get drowned out by the cheese and sauce, and the wonderful acidity of the sauce is drowned by the high sugar content and heaviness of the peanutbutter fudge.
I've had too many weird combinations defy my predictions to totally poopoo the idea, but I can't get my brain to combine those flavors in a pleasant way.
All I know is chocolate and tomato do NOT go together.
I add dark chocolate to most Red sauces I make
Interesting. Maybe in smaller amounts it can help. I just remember from personal experience mixing tomato and chocolate sauce and it was awful.
Diabetes and cholesterol, together at last!
Pizza nipples.