I have that exact USB drive running Ventoy with a few choice ISOs. Very useful.
Ooh, nice! I haven't heard of Ventoy before. I'm gonna have to try carrying Hiren's BootCD PE, Linux Mint, and Batocera all bootable on the same flash drive in my pocket.
I'm fairly certain that Ventoy supports those out of the box. Definitely worth checking out :)
Yea it supports ISO, WIM, IMG or VHD images. Game changer.
It supports VHD?!? I had no idea! This changes everything! Well... not everything, but some things.
Oh dang, looks like Ventoy would be super useful for me, especially as it looks like it supports windows ISOs
That's what I have on mine too.
Curious about the reason for carrying pepper spray. And in Europe?
Came here to write the very same thing.
Quite an interesting flashlight. Lots of different modes and head mountable.
I reviewed it. It's my favorite small headlamp, and also pretty good as a handheld pocket light. The related handheld-only M150 is also nice.
I recognized the pixel 4a haha great phone!
The Skilhunt EK1 seems to be EXACTLY the type of flashlight I've been searching for as an EDC. Thanks for posting this!
Nice :)
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