This one is kinda good actually, he told the guy he swore off it and the guy keeps insisting, dick move
Everett True Comics
A place to appreciate the twentieth century comic character Everett True of "The Outbursts of Everett True." Feel free to check out the sticky.
They're all pretty good, he's the grumpy curmudgeon in us who wants to overreact to everything that annoys us. They're cathartic
I think we're only seeing a select few here.
What's the date on this one?
Eta: January 24 1908. So sometime in 1908 he gave up the demon drink.
It was probably his wife's Outburst that did it.
People look at you funny when you tell them you don't drink. It's weird how normalized it is
Given the toxicity of alcohol it is amazing how blasé we have become. The legal status of most drugs is completely irrational. High quality education, healthcare and harm reduction policies are the only sane and humane choices.
I just realized what the vase-like thing on the left is and now I am feeling slightly nauseous thinking about it.
Wild times, and only just a hundred years ago...
Now I'm intrigued. It is the waiter's carafe, isn't it? But if I'm right, what's wild about it? So I must be wrong?
It's a spittoon.
People used to chew tobacco and then occasionally spit into these.
So this would be filled with a brown soup of saliva with soaked tobacco remains distributed in it.
My grandfather uses tin cans. He left one in my car once. Only once but holy fuck.
everett is just like tony soprano just without the dv and alc
I swear there was one a week or two back where his wife was mad at him for coming home smelling like alcohol
the lore thickens
See the comments above.
Just imagine him being an angry drunk
When you could assault someone and that was fine.