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Well yeah xenobiology IS a science after all
Took me a while to see the rope was coming from the ground.
Poor dude doesn't even know if they're carnivorous or not.
That's cause your eyes skipped the first panel and instantly jumped to panel 2.
I don't believe that he cares
Would be a mutual feast then
Always hate when I'm just taking my child out of their cage for the weekly roped walk and this happens.
Are they fishing for flying saucers with the kid as bait?
The aliens are fishing humans using humans as bait. It works as long as you make sure the human doesn't have a knife
ET: the Extra Thiccrestrial
Close Encounters of the Thot Kind
800815: A Space Oddtitty
I wanted to add Invasion of the Booby Snatchers, but then I realized that in this context the aliens aren't the ones doing the snatching.
Why is he drawn like a child for such a comic
You want Quantuum Syphilis? This is how you get Quantuum Syphilis.
Doesn't matter, had xenophile sex.
Guys get it the joke is sex! Isn't that funny?
I think technically sex is part of the setup and leaving your family for sex is the punchline π€
I bet the big one is a tsundere
Haha, cynically deconstructing a joke and laughing sarcastically. Hilarious comment!
Plot twist, the aliens' genitals have hooks.
You mean I can't pull out? Ever? More like plot bonus!
O K, K O! vibes
Especially the alien on the left