The older I get, the more I understand Stalin's purges and the Cultural Revolution in China. I have read zero Mao and have become a Third World Maoist anyway because of all the shit that goes on in the US.
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my hottest take is that america will definitely need a cultural revolution if we ever overthrow the government.
it will need multiple, I legit cannot imagine a functioning socialist state in america without literally destroying it
we'll need some kind of infinity gulag
I almost preferred it when Biden was the nominee because at least then I could shit on him and my friends would all agree. They swapped out the face while keeping everything else the same and people are buying it. Shit sucks.
Honestly I did what I could with the advantage for the last couple years, and now some of my local liberals have been happy feeling like they can push back at me a bit, still love them though.
I've been having a similar flashes of "Wait, what if Kamala is the most progressive candidate possible and America has always been this shitty and indifferent to atrocity."
But I think there's genuinely a sense that the decay has been getting harder to ignore and it's making the people who don't want to see the cracks (most of them) go a little crazy. Everyone's hyperfocused on villains. Convinced that all we have to do is beat Putin in Ukraine and defeat Trump in the election and then things can finally go back to normal and the grinding decadence will stop.
There's a stench of desperation wafting off the enthusiasm for Harris and the repetition of "this is the most important election of our lifetimes" to the extent that it has become a meme isn't so much a statement of stakes as it is a prayer, an optimistic statement that what's left of the middle class will be able to retreat back to comfortable complacency after ensuring the reins go back into the hands of a competent technocrat who will fix things.
It has led to a willful and dangerous blindness and I feel some anxiety for when the time comes that it no longer becomes tenable to maintain.
well said
GOOD post
I got out of the DSA over the Palestine stuff early this year. I can't say I don't miss the party life but it's nice not being in a Zionist and all around opportunist org.
I also had some revelations about the big unions at the end of last year and yeah we're all around fucked unless the US left starts figuring some shit out real quick.
Sorry you're going through this. It isn't fun. There's at least a few others with you though.
I definitely get it, libs are shoving the genocide under the rug, basically saying they don't really care. ”It's unfortunate, but what can you do ” It really got me thinking again about how even American libs believe the US has to have a little a war crime as a treat.
In general, I don't get how they're so enthusiastic about Kamala, because nothing's changed about her except she's now the candidate, and nobody cared about her before. ”MSNBC told me she's good”?
The optics are so much better with Kamala. She isn't a walking corpse and can complete sentences without trailing off. For libs that's enough.
The Democrats simply must be destroyed. Both parties must be destroyed but I think the democrats must go first. A party built on this goal is necessary but dangerous and inherently subversive to the point of probably being illegal in some way
I do not believe the western working class by and large has any revolutionary potential
You are probably right about that.
Shit like this makes me want to piss away my 3 months of sobriety and just go back to being stoned all the time.
It's not that, it's the false consciousness. They believe they are in a democracy when they are in the Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.