By the minds who brought you Serial Apist ans Serial Apist II
B Movie Bonanza
A place for lovers of B movies to come together and talk about them.
- Be most excellent to one another. (Don't be a jerk)
- Try not to repost movies that have already been posted. (If it has been over 12 months feel free to repost)
- If posting links for people to watch the movies let them be legal ones. (Free is best but not when it's shady, you dig?)
- Have fun and enjoy all the awesomeness that B movies can bring you.
Is this the 1964 Wrestling Women vs The Aztec Mummy?
And is this related to the 1958 Robot vs the Aztec Mummy (if so, I know who I'm betting on)
My money is on the Aztec women
Hey, that was a pretty fun experience. The movie was entertaining -- it had a couple great faux-pro-wrestling scenes, and the monster special effects were sub-B-movie level. Plus there was an ancient Aztec scene about halfway through! Plus the suits and hairdos were interesting (as a sign of their times.) It was interesting watching the Toots pass by while the movie was rolling... I have an account, but haven't done any posting on Mastodon yet.
Anyway, I highly recommend people check out the next one. Er... there's going to be a next one, right? How do we figure out when and what that is?
I'm glad that you had fun with this! :)
By following the #monsterdonalert hashtag, you will find out what the next movie is going to be. Probably by Tuesday or Wednesday.
No link to join this?
Just follow the #monsterdon hashtag on mastodon.
Monster dong?
You rang?
A. Happily the most fun social media experience I've had in the modern era. B. Still pissed that we don't really get a proper fight between the women and mummy in that.
Can someone point me to some detailed instructions on how to join a watch party for these films ?