The most secure & economical option is to never go outside
As a network security expert, I've got that on LOCK
The most secure & economical option is to never go outside
As a network security expert, I've got that on LOCK
Clostridium difficile has entered the gut
Firefighters hate this one easy trick!
DNS engineer here.
It's always DNS because no one wants to hire us. We're prima donnas that don't work much and demand large salaries. Companies think they can get away with having some random network guy "learn a bit of DNS" and it works!!... For a while... Then it fails catestrophically and the DNS engineer that was let go to "save costs" smugly watches them crash and burn. The job is super easy and simple until you're 48 hours into troubleshooting and the CTO is lighting money on fire trying to get the network back online. A big company can easily burn a DNS engineers 10 years salary in costs if they have a single large DNS failure (security or downtime).
That's wrong! There are only three bilabial letters! P, M, and B. F and V are labiodental
Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?"
Contestant: "The penis"
SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder
SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard
SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself
SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough. It instantly reminded me of r/atheism titles going "dae religion bad ?๐ค" 80,000 up votes
SEO is what is killing Google. Companies designing shit websites designed to highjack search results is a huge issue.
Security through obscurity is not security
Hi, professional DNS engineer here! if anyone has any questions about the inner workings of DNS or top level domains, ask away! (THIS IS MY MOMENT)
Better to have ads pushed down our collective throats than let collectivists have us by the throat. An 'unregulated' market lets us choose whether or not to use them, instead of justifying their necessity to avoid censorship.