Nobody knows how the horsey moves anyway so...
As best piece, horsey attacks all squares it moves through, because it's a horse and it's charging.
Think, noobs.
Is there a variation of the game like that? And that includes both sides' pieces, right? There is a case of making a piece too powerful for its own good.
There is kind of the opposite in Chinese Chess. The field the horsey jumps over has to be empty. And I use the singular because it moves one orthogonal and one diagonal so it's only one field that has to be empty
I mean Tbf it is a checkmate in 4.
The mythical move where you combine bishop and horsey into a queen?
Knishop, yeah I've heard of the move. I believe it's just a legend though
I thought it was a pawn :P
That's a bishop, not a pawn, but regardless, I don't imagine that white has much of a chance
This post is about gaslighting and I'm pretty sure, it always was a pawn. Always.
Ok when the bishop is actually a bishop it’s checkmate in 19 instead so I suppose white holds on for longer at least?
The point of it was that it became a much bigger pain in the ass to win than it initially seemed. Also, your 19 moves is if you don't mess up at all. If it gets stretched to 50 moves, it's a stalemate.
Just put it in lichess and see how hopeless it's for white.
K7/2b5/1nk5/8/8/8/8/7b w - - 50 26
Nah, white clearly has advantage here.
What you fail to see is, that the white king owns those two horses.
It’s checkmate in one. I’d probably resign and move on to the next game.
yes, it's mate in 1 if you perform knishop fusion and combine horsey and bishop into a Queen on the white square next to the white king.
Just move King to the one open spot diagonal to Knight, and the move Queen to the spot King just left.
There is no queen in the picture
omg I thought the black king was a queen, and it looks like everyone else did too!
Oops! Lol
Zoom in on the pieces. You're seeing them wrong.
Oh my. You’re right. Sorry about that
I did the same thing.
At least I’m in good company :)
Holy hell
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