At home I use an "automated indoor plant care" device of my own making with about $3 of parts (including a capacitive sensor) plus a water pump on a jar full of water and some hose.
Because it uses an ATTiny45 (I had plans to move to a more modern microcontroller but couldn't be arsed) rather than an ESP32, it's not "internet enabled".
I specifically chose a microcontroller which only used about 2 micro Amperes in sleep mode and has a broad range of functional input voltage, so that it can run directly of 3x AAA batteries, which only have to be changed about every 10 months.
I would say that "doesn't need to be plugged to an external power source" and "batteries last ages" are probably more important requirements that "internet enable" for something whose only purpose is to automatically keep the humidity of a vase above a certain value and to me this Plant Bot just seems overengineered and trading important things for frills.
This kind of stuff is really just an Advanced Arduino project.