Dude is either having the absolute best time of his life or the absolute worst! There is no in-between when you're covered in that much mud.
no context
A place for posting anything out of context. Please caption any posts PIC
Paradoxically, it's the first option because even if it's the second it's still type-2 fun.
What does "type 2 fun" mean, please ?
miserable at the time, fun in retrospect
I am very uncomfortable at seeing this. Give the man a hose. Maybe two.
Driver Infront of him had Taco bell for lunch 😭
He shit himself hard.
It wasn't too bad until I zoomed into the eyes :(
Even mud seems to run Doom these days
Looks like great buttercream icing. That is indeed the proper amount of icing to put on a cake.
Me after submitting my first merge request to an oss project (I didn't open an issue first)
Looks like my dick after taco and anal night.
What a terrible day to be able to read.
That's enough internet for the day. Thanks.
Why did I upvote that?!?
Oh no...
The Scottish really will deep fry anything won't they
Maybe driving through that cow pasture wasn't a good idea.
“Shitters clogged”
Manure! I hate manure!
Forgot to bind the visor tearoff button
close second
Close number two
Why don't they put windows or at least some plexiglass into these things?
The mud would instead form a solid layer on the windows, completely obstructing vision. I don't think wipers would survive close range mud bombardment either.
He’d had to have had is eyes closed for much of that trip to not have had them filled with mud.
I want to know here his goggles were.
Plexiglas (acrylic) isn't safe for vehicles.
You're thinking of Lexan (polycarbonate).
Those are brand names, btw.
I saw a video somewhere where they have peel off helmet visors, so they just rip off the top layer to see again. Kind of like a post-it-note version of brand new screen protectors
Yep, "tearoffs".
What a shitty situation.