ya know the Nicole the Fediverse Chick spam? this poster thinks it's a revenge Joe job:
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
For actually-good tech, you want our NotAwfulTech community
Nice detective work. The second time I got one of those I figured it resembles the false flag channel ad spammers on IRC. I still wonder occasionally what #superbowl at supermets did for someone to go on a multi-year spamming campaign against them.
Nicole was a bot? I need to make some phone calls... (jk)
Roundup of the current bot scourge hammering open source projects
We can add that to the list of things threatening to bring FOSS as a whole crashing down.
Plus the culture being utterly rancid, the large-scale AI plagiarism, the declining industry surplus FOSS has taken for granted, having Richard Stallman taint the whole movement by association, the likely-tanking popularity of FOSS licenses, AI being a general cancer on open-source and probably a bunch of other things I've failed to recognise or make note of.
FOSS culture being a dumpster fire is probably the biggest long-term issue - fixing that requires enough people within the FOSS community to recognise they're in a dumpster fire, and care about developing the distinctly non-technical skills necessary to un-fuck the dumpster fire.
AI's gonna be the more immediately pressing issue, of course - its damaging the commons by merely existing.
Update on the Vibe Coder Catastrophe^tm^: he's killed his current app and seems intent to vibe code again:
Personally, I expect this case won't be the last "vibe coded" app/website/fuck-knows-what to get hacked to death - security is virtually nonexistent, and the business/techbros who'd be attracted to it are unlikely to learn from their mistakes.
In lesser corruption news, California Governor Gavin Newsom has been caught distributing burner phones to California-based CEOs. These are people that likely already have Newsom's personal and business numbers, so it's not hard to imagine that these phones are likely to facilitate extralegal conversations beyond the existing ~~bribery~~ legitimate business lobbying before the Legislature. With this play, Newsom's putting a lot of faith into his sexting game.
Gavin Newsom has also allegedly been worked behind the scenes to kill pro-transgender legislation; and on his podcast he's been talking to people like Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon and teasing anti-trans talking points.
I guess this all makes sense if he's going to go for a presidential bid: try to appeal to the fascists (it won't work and also to heck with him) while also laying groundwork for the sort of funding a presidential bid needs.
If I was a Californian CEO and received a burner phone I'd text back "Thanks for the e-waste :<" but maybe that's why I'm not a CEO.
When this all was revealed his popularity also tanked apparently. Center/left now dislikes him, the right doesn't trust him. So another point for the 'don't move right on human rights you dummies' brigade.
Tbh, weird. If I were a hyper-capitalist, CA-based CEO, I would take the burner phone as an insult. I’d see it as a lack of faith in the capture of the US. Who needs plausible deniability when you just own the fucking country?
Even worse, he got caught handing them out. And even with all that, I'd expect a tech CEO to just go 'why not use signal?' or 'what threat profile do you think we have?' (sorry I keep coming back to this, it is just so fucking weird, like 'everything I know I learned from television shows' kind of stuff)
Brings to mind the sopranos scene of the two dudes trying to shake down a starbucks or starbucks analogue for protection money
Governor Saul Goodsom.
Here's my audio/video dispatch about framing tech through conservation of energy to kill the magical thinking of generative ai and the like podcast ep: https://pnc.st/s/faster-and-worse/968a91dd/kill-magic-thinking video ep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLHmtYWzHz8
A lesswrong declares,
social scientists are typically just stupider than physical scientists (economists excepted).
As a physicist, I would prefer not receiving praise of this sort.
The post to which that is a comment also says a lot of silly things, but the comment is particularly great.
That list (which isn't properly sourced) seems to combine both high academic fields with non academic fields so I have no idea what this list is trying to prove even. (Also, see the fakeness of IQ and there is pressure for 'smart' people to go into stem etc etc). I wouldn't base my argument on a quick google search which gives you information from a tabloid site. Wonder why he didn't link to his source directly? More from this author: "We met the smartest Hooters girl in the world who has a maths degree and wants to become a pilot" (The guy is now a researcher at 'Hope not Hate' (not saying that to mock the guy or the organization, just found it funny, do hope he feels a bit of 'oh, I should have made different decisions a while back, wish I could delete that'))
The ignorance about social science on display in that article is wild. He seems to think academia is pretty much a big think tank, which I suppose is in line with the extent of the rationalists' intellectual curiosity.
On the IQ tier list, I like the guy responding to the comment mentioning "the stats that you are citing here". Bro.
lmao, economists probably did deserve to catch this stray
Yeah, the exclusion of the dismal science got a chuckle out of me.
Are economists considered physical scientists? I've read it as "social scientists are dumb except for economists". Which fits my prejudice for econo-brained less wrongers.
No, it's just praise from lesswrong counts as a slight.
Yeah prob important to note that one of the lw precursor blogs was from an economist, so that is why they consider them one of the good fields. Important to not call out your own tribe.
Imagine a perfectly spherical scientist...
or uniform duncity?
And high pomposity
Razer claims that its AI can identify 20 to 25 percent more bugs compared to manual testing, and this can reduce QA time by up to 50 percent as well as cost savings of up to 40 percent
as usual this is probably going to be only the simplest shit, and I don’t even want to think of the secondary downstream impacts from just listening to this shit without thought will be
Marginally related, but I was just served a YouTube ad for chewing gum (yes, I'm too lazy to setup ad block).
"Respawn, by Razer. They didn't have gaming gum at Pompeii, just saying."
I think I felt part of my frontal lobe die to that incomprehensible sales pitch, so you all must be exposed to it as well.
If I had to judge Razer’s software quality based on what little I know about them, I’d probably raise my eyebrows because they ship some insane 600+ MiB driver with a significant memory impact with their mice and keyboards that’s needed to use basic features like DPI buttons and LED settings, when the alternative to that is a 900 kiB open source driver which provides essentially the same functionality.
And now their answer to optimization is to staple a chatbot onto their software? I think I pass.
Well the use of stuff like fuzzers has been a staple for a long time so 'compared to manual testing' is doing some work here.
Isn't this what got crowdstrike in trouble?
not quite the same but I can see potential for a similar clusterfuck from this
also doesn’t really help how many goddamn games are running with rootkits, either
TV Tropes got an official app, featuring an AI "story generator". Unsurprisingly, backlash was swift, to the point where the admins were promising to nuke it "if we see that users don't find the story generator helpful".
Thinking that trying to sell LLMs as a creative tool at this point into the bubble will not create backlash is just delusional, lmao.
At this point, using AI in any sort of creative context is probably gonna prompt major backlash, and the idea of AI having artistic capabilities is firmly dead in the water.
On a wider front (and to repeat an earlier prediction), I suspect that the arts/humanities are gonna gain some begrudging respect in the aftermath of this bubble, whilst tech/STEM loses a significant chunk.
For arts, the slop-nami has made "AI" synonymous with "creative sterility" and likely painted the field as, to copy-paste a previous comment, "all style, no subtance, and zero understanding of art, humanities, or how to be useful to society"
For humanities specifically, the slop-nami has also given us a nonstop parade of hallucination-induced mishaps and relentless claims of AGI too numerous to count - which, combined with the increasing notoriety of TESCREAL, could help the humanities look grounded and reasonable by comparison.
(Not sure if this makes sense - it was 1AM where I am when I wrote this)
New piece from Brian Merchant: DOGE's 'AI-first' strategist is now the head of technology at the Department of Labor, which is about...well, exactly what it says on the tin. Gonna pull out a random paragraph which caught my eye, and spin a sidenote from it:
“I think in the name of automating data, what will actually end up happening is that you cut out the enforcement piece,” Blanc tells me. “That's much easier to do in the process of moving to an AI-based system than it would be just to unilaterally declare these standards to be moot. Since the AI and algorithms are opaque, it gives huge leeway for bad actors to impose policy changes under the guide of supposedly neutral technological improvements.”
How well Musk and co. can impose those policy changes is gonna depend on how well they can paint them as "improving efficiency" or "politically neutral" or some random claptrap like that. Between Musk's own crippling incompetence, AI's utterly rancid public image, and a variety of factors I likely haven't factored in, imposing them will likely prove harder than they thought.
(I'd also like to recommend James Allen-Robertson's "Devs and the Culture of Tech" which goes deep into the philosophical and ideological factors behind this current technofash-stavaganza.)
Can't wait for them to discover that the DoL was created to protect them from labor
Ran across a short-ish thread on BlueSky which caught my attention, posting it here:
the problem with a story, essay, etc written by LLM is that i lose interest as soon as you tell me that’s how it was made. i have yet to see one that’s ‘good’ but i don’t doubt the tech will soon be advanced enough to write ‘well.’ but i’d rather see what a person thinks and how they’d phrase it
like i don’t want to see fiction in the style of cormac mccarthy. i’d rather read cormac mccarthy. and when i run out of books by him, too bad, that’s all the cormac mccarthy books there are. things should be special and human and irreplaceable
i feel the same way about using AI-type tech to recreate a dead person’s voice or a hologram of them or whatever. part of what’s special about that dead person is that they were mortal. you cheapen them by reviving them instead of letting their life speak for itself
the problem with a story, essay, etc written by LLM is that i lose interest as soon as you tell me that’s how it was made.
This + I choose to interpret it as static.
you cheapen them by reviving them
Learnt this one from, of all places, the pretty bad manga GANTZ.