Tattoos are barcodes.
Resist: It's Time
We are still in this together, but "this" is going to be real different in the very near future. This demands a different kind of "we."
The French Resistance during Nazi occupation played important roles delivering downed Allied airmen back to safety, supplying military intelligence, and acts of sabotage.
The Underground Railroad is estimated to have brought 100,000 freedom seekers to safety between 1810 and 1850.
It's time.
- Do not gatekeep resistance
- Do not organize specific subversive plans here.
- Do not identify yourself or anyone else here.
- Do brainstorm general ideas about how to support people who need it and stymie the efforts of fascists
- Do share thoughts on how to be personally prepared for subversive action
Is that just days n daze on mom or is that symbol used for something in the wider anarchy community?
this is all great advice when you're planning actual resistance, not cosplaying revolutionaries for social media
I’d rather highlight TripTiks than listen to your bullshit.
okay. then go do that.
Just wanted to make sure you knew at least one person who doesn’t deserve to be publicly executed for stupidity recognized your comment for what it is.
Yeah, pretty hard to follow the no phone/photo rule when that’s your livelihood
You don't have to throw it away. Just leave it at home when you are going to do something that might get you in trouble. If you cannot leave your phone, the don't go. It's easy to track. Apparently even in airplane mode
We were talking about people who are pretending to do this stuff for followers
After sonic/microwave attack in Serbia, you need to take headphones and a physical barrier to shelter behind, I dunno, an umbrella backed with tinfoil? One of those foil emergency blankets?
People said they could feel their eyes vibrating, I wonder how effective headphones would actually be.
What's scary to think is that whatever it is, it's probably flirting with the threshold of very serious harm on a large scale. Imagine all the literal skeletons in the development process for this.
Whole thing seemed more of a weapons test/advert than an actual interest in crowd dispersal too. That wasn't an unruly crowd they used it on.
Several layers of foil on your large protest sign, Also bring earplugs.
how about stay away from crowds? one of these days, you're all going to be cattle led to the slaughter. a much wiser strategy would be to act in squads, spread out, and targeting things that actually throw a monkey wrench in the system.
The problem is that, in D&D terms, you lose action economy that way. A thousand rats might only deal one damage each but all of them at once would obliterate even hardened adventurers.
If people split into groups then yea, the police and whatever would need to prioritize, but the groups could also be handled more safely. Two or three VERY LARGE crowds would be great, but “squads” of even twenty people, against a militarized force, would just be easy pickings. And it’s an exponential loss(just as much as adding people is an exponential gain) so it would be incredibly risky.
D&D rules are an abstraction. please don't plan a revolution based on a fantasy RPG.
If you can’t figure out what I’m talking about and how someone can use familiar ideas to make an explanation more approachable then maybe more complex strategy isn’t your thing.
“Going out in squads” would only work with large crowds as a distraction if you had any level of organization and intent, which you would or it would be a fucking mess that you’d never control in the first place. You’d also be already at the guerilla warfare part of this revolution because what the fuck does that even mean when it comes to trying to show mass displeasure? Standing out front of ever politicians offices at once but never being remotely threatening because each “squad” can get its shit rocked one by one?
i'm glad you finally caught up. there is no point in showing "mass displeasure". they don't give a fuck what you think and everyone already knows this administration is bullshit. we are at the guerilla warfare stage NOW.
Bro I didn’t catch up you literally responded to a comment about being in crowds of protests with “go in squads not crowds” and no further explanation. I said that because I already assumed that was your point and had to hand-hold you to lock that in otherwise this conversation was going to go even more nowhere than it was heading.
With communication skills like that you’re not gunna be organizing anything, let alone thousands of “squads”.
you think i want to be in charge of herding you idiots?
Bro lol whose side are you on? Get bent.
i'm on the side of rational thought with humanitarian intentions. sorry you got butthurt.
cells within cells
Wait this happened?
If it's anything as described, and the eyes are vibrating- That's quite a heavy lump of soft tissue.
Low frequency can pierce thin objects with ease. Some kind of foam would dampen high frequencies effectively but that low end is shaky.
Eyes vibrate when the vestibular nerve is messed with if they dislodged the inner ear crystals you would experience this along with potential vertigo
But don't cover your tattoos?
Do these people not understand how identifiable tattoos are?
I think your brain is playing a trick on you
Oh my God I'm illiterate
Acceptance is the first step
Yea I don’t get it. It’s an older gen Anarchist prepping their new gen anarchist child. Something we should foster.
Skin makeup over existing tattoos, then get one of those temporary water-decal-thing tattoos of some random tribal design on the forearm or something.
Bam. Evidence that the person in whatever photos/videos that were captured isn't you.
What about those fake tattoo sleeves what are like stockings with the print on them? No idea how well these cover the existing tats tho
That might be better for skin coverage too, teargas and pepper pray aren't just eye/sinus irritants, they affect the skin as well.
Put a piece of cloth in your shoe, like a small folded dish towel. People can recognize your walk and identify you just as easy as seeing your face.
Arrive and leave from a large crowd if you can, assume you are being followed there and back and change into your "hero" costume in a restroom or other area off camera.
Not 'people' but AI-assisted gait analysis. Scan of video footage identifies points on body, tracks movement of those points through space, represents this as output of an algorithm, which generates a result (e.g. a long sequence of numbers like a barcode) which is unique to you. They cannot i.d. you by name and address unless they have your biometrics on record but it is a potential way to identify you just like fingerprints or dna and will stay on record and might hurt you in future.
Shoes also leave very identifiable prints, so buy secondhand burners with cash.
So 30 people went into this toilet, 30 came out but only one of them changed. We got em.
Think carefully about where you change.
Step 1 is already illegal in my country on a protest.
God forbid we break the law
That's an easy pretense for our overly violent riot cops (who are deployed to literally any protest but somehow can't be arsed to disperse illegal overtly racist protests nowadays) to arrest you though. And keep you detained for up to 3 days iirc.
Yep, we are just about past the point of caring about laws. I know I was done after J6 pardons. That told me laws are out the window now.
Motorcycle helmet or full-face bike helmet. Problem solved.
What, folks are on me all the fucking time to wear one. If they want to complain that I'm complying, that sounds like a them problem.
Not in Germany. The law is very abstract. Technically, it does not even allow you to take stuff with you that is supposed to hide your face. On the other hand... Even a T Shirt can be used to hide the face...
Huh, interesting! In the USA, we just got these laws recently, but for protests only, and from the sound of the law, it will only be enforced for people the president does not like
Hey we have the same dumb law in France. I remember getting a ski patrol guy getting very confused when I snarkily asked him if I was gonna get in trouble for wearing my balaclava to the slopes, which was technically illegal according to this law.