as a soon-to-be former user of RIF, i will certainly miss the simplistic design and the ease of use of the app. o7
Sbubby - Eef Freef!
Sbubbies are images in which the text of a logo has been cleanly edited to read something different.
We've altered our ruleset a bit from the subreddit, and these may change at short notice as we acclimate to Lemmy.
- Be respectful of your fellow users. Be civil towards others, even if you disagree with them. Hate speech of any kind is not tolerated, including, but not limited to: racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia.
- All Sbubbies must be edits to the text of logos. A logo is a visually unique set of iconography that represents a specific product, organization, or group, with unique and distinctive fonts and styling. Edits which change the text of things that aren't logos (i.e. street signs, text on product packaging that doesn't edit the logo itself, BSODs, etc.) don't count, and neither do edits to logos which do not change any text.
- All Sbubbies must be cleanly edited. It must resemble the original logo as close as reasonably possible. It doesn't necessarily need to be absolutely pixel-perfect, but it should hold up to a brief visual inspection at the standard zoom level.
- Relevant titles: We will not be enforcing this to the degree that we did on the subreddit, but try to avoid low-effort, non-descriptive titles such as "My first Sbubby," "I made this," "Credit to <...>," "Found in the wild," or "Title."
- Reposts: Try not to repost images that have already been on the Sbubby Lemmy instance. We are allowing reposts from the Sbubby subreddit, but if it's not your own OC, please give credit to the original creator in either the title or a comment if at all possible. This rule will likely be relatively lightly enforced for a while, as we adjust to the new platform.
- Compilations: Any compilations of edits should have some sort of connection or central theme, and preferably your own OC, but other users' content can be included as long as all of it is credited.
- On that note, if you want to port over your content from the subreddit, you can create one big compilation if you'd like, but we recommend spacing out individual posts over time. It should help us maintain a consistent stream of content while we build our userbase. Don't spam a bunch of individual posts over a short period, though - probably no more than 3 posts per day.
- Banned topics: "Oops, all X," Bepis variants, REEEEE, loss.jpg, anything from the banned repost album, unless you were the original creator of a banned repost album image, in which case, contact us first.
Hopefully one of the 15+ apps in development for Lemmy/kbin will be similar.
I mean jerboa seems pretty similar
At present, Jerboa seems pretty buggy. At least for me.
I find Liftoff to be much, much better atm
Almost already recommendable to people upset about third party reddit apps; just needs to remove the need to know how instances work when registering.
I've been on Reddit since 2012. I don't believe I used any app other than RiF during that whole time. Currently using Power Delete Suite to wipe my account then I plan to delete. I've found quite a better home over here on Lemmy anyways. Wish I had known of this place sooner.
Check back occasionally to verify your comments remain deleted. While I've not had it happen to my main, others have reported their comments seem to return soon after doing a purge.
Shredders going back at least five years have been editing comments and replacing them with placeholder text prior to deleting, on the assumption they might only be retaining the final version before deletion.
I thought my deleted comments were getting restored by reddit, but it just turns out that you can't delete comments from private subreddits. So I initially deleted everything during the 2 day blackout, then a few days later when things started opening up again, I saw a ton of comments still on my account, so I just assumed reddit had been restoring them.
Reddit is such a great source of information though-- especially when I'm looking for user feedback, instructions, or human opinions. It's a shame that many posts are going to get deleted in the following weeks (especially in the tech sphere since most people quitting Reddit are going to be techies)
That's why you should delete the comments/posts though. Because you make it less desirable to advertisers by making it less convenient to "just add Reddit" after a Google search.
I'll second the "Wish I learned about Lemmy sooner" bit. Just feels so much better.
Have a nice day, fellow reddit refugee!
I always said once RIF goes, I go.
Turns out I was wrong. I left a few weeks early.
I didn’t use RIF but I left Reddit anyways because of their blatant cockiness now.
I didn't use RIF either but the mobile app really sucks
I didn't use RIF either, but I use Infinity on Android.
I didn't use RIF either, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night.
I used RiF for over a decade and it was consistently excellent. Too good for this world apparently. You will be missed.
Hoping to see Lemmy is Fun or something similar from them. Been on RIF for years...
RIF worked great on my shitty rural internet. The official app probably wouldn't even load anything assuming I could download it in the first place. That's why places like Lemmy are so important to me in a world full of video content.
Was a RIF user for over 10 years, deleted my reddit account, all the reddit apps I had and moved here. Was good fun while it lasted. Remember nothing lasts forever and change is good, even if it feels bad at the time.
End of an era. Glad Lemmy is shaping up to be a good replacement. Seems a lot of the homies that used reddit when it was actually reddit migrated here
It would be cool if the dev(s) came out with a version for Lemmy, too. rif is my favorite reddit app and I'd love to be able to access Lemmy from a version of it.
Fun fact: Back in the day RIF paid for the pleasure to use the reddit name and spez killed the deal upon taking over.
Love something in RIF's vein for Lemmy. I don't know if the dev is interested but I hope someone picks up this design philosophy for a Lemmy app
Seconded! RIF was the perfect minimalistic interface. Everything you want, nothing you don't. RIP RIF
thank you RIF for the years of clean viewing on mobile. your work is greatly appreciated. I wish good things for you in the future.
Goodbye old friend it was fun while it lasted
RIF has been my app of choice for 10 years. I hope that the developers jump on over and create a Lemmy version. Until then I am using Jerboa and it is working well enough. Death to Reddit, Long Live the Fediverse!
Reddit is dead, Long live the Fediphiles!
Reddit is fun was the first smartphone app I heavily used. I was with it pretty much since it was created. RIP.
I used RiF initially because the phone I had 8 years ago was very old for it's time, running Android 4.3 which was largely obsolete at the time.
The official reddit app, the masterpiece that it is (/s) couldn't be downloaded for my version of Android. But I could download RiF. And so that's what I used back then.
I've cycled through a few phones since then; most of them Google Pixels, which certainly are capable of running the official reddit app. But RiF was more than just a crutch for an old OS for me. It was my go-to way to browse reddit, and so I stuck with it, up until now.
No more RiF, no more reddit. It's been a fun run, rest in peace.
RiF was my gateway to Reddit. Sad it's all coming to an end. RIP RIF
Thank you for all those years, RIF. This is bullshit, man.
Rif was my daily goto for years. Rip. Hope they can switch over to lemmy.
I am not by nature a sentimental person regarding software but I will truly miss RiF.
My go to reddit app for 10 years. I even prefer using it than using old.reddit on desktop.
Bye RIF, i'll uninstall you while doing a salute when you flatline.Thank you for all the years of being Reddit for me. Oh and spez? FUCK YOU
Thank you RIF... I love being able watch redditors asking the save video bot to get a download link while I could just save using RIF. You also make copying and sharing link so simple. You don't have all the fluff of those annoying awards and I deeply appreciate it. It clearly shows that you know content is the most important thing and you respect and focus on it. Sorry a particular fuckwit can't see that. I'll genuinely miss you.
Salute from an Apollo user. (Or ex-Apollo user at this point.)
Still missing two options from RiF:
- Load content as pages.
- Collapse comments by default.