Warforged Dad.
I think that's just Kratos.
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Warforged Dad.
I think that's just Kratos.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw that, cracked me up.
Goblin Cleric... Shit
There you go
Well now I'll have to roll one!
I didn't start out with the intent of making the characters in AI, or making people try new builds but I'm glad I chased a whim
Isn't there a comic about that or something? Lol
The author is actually pretty active on Lemmy, too! I wish I can remember their username, so I can mention it here to bring them the attention.
You're thinking of @ahdok@ttrpg.network
Yes! Thank you
Konsi is a Goblin Cleric
oh boy I'm a SKA DAD
....I want to learn about your homebrew campaign 😄
Paladin Fairy?
"I AM DEVOUT TO MY GOD!" Gets flicked across the room
Here you go
What is a Dad Cleric?
Your spells are dadisms
"Walk it off" - cure light wounds
"If I told you once I told you a thousand times..." - command
"Great job, kiddo" - bless
"What you're gonna wanna do is..." - guidance
You get the idea
Oh I'm here for this.
"They don't make them like they used to. " -mending
"I know a guy..." -commune
"Not under my roof..." -banishment
"You call that music? This is music!" -toll the dead
"You see the game last weekend?" -fast friends
"He's not sleeping. He's just resting his eyes..." - gentle repose
"Where'd you have it last?" -locate object
"You know I was quite the athlete when I was your age..." -freedom of movement
Hey, Dungeons and Daddies, are you reading this gold?
Warforged Ranger. So he can calculate his arrow trajectories to 16 digits of precision.
Goblin Cleric. Certainly an interesting combo. Konzi-esque, perhaps?
Got the same
Maybe it's residual migraine but I am struggling to pick out anything other than two instances of goblin. Something about the text alignment and boldness seems off too.
But I guess I can settle for goblin goblin.
Badger song, Faerun edition:
Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Furbolg furbolg Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Furbolg furbolg Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin Goblin goblin goblin GNOLL OH GNOLL OOOOOOOH GNOOOOOOLL!
I’m the Hub Don. If your quest is related to organized crime involving hubs, apparently I’m the guy to talk to.
It’s cool. I didn’t get where I am today by being a psychopath. Don’t try to mess with my business and we’ll get along fine. Probably.
Fairy cleric. There's an inappropriate joke in there somewhere.
I would convert
Goblin artificer. Sounds pretty dope actually
Dog Artificer.
Certainly... interesting
Changeling Cleric, which was literally the character a buddy of mine played in our Eberron campaign back in uni. Priest of the traveller, patron god of scumbags and assholes.
Here you go
Halfling Bard
Lizard Folk Cleric!
All hail the scaled god, bringer of bountiful pestilence, ever glowing warmth to the hatchling and the cold blooded queen of vengeance!
Here you go