My my, such aggression. You gonna march him to his crucifixion?
I was just wondering if the loss of reputation would prevent career progression, and therefore if money would have been needed for this kind of treatment.
Picked up the game today when I got a notification that it was on sale. Looking forward to giving it a shot!
Got pretty addicted to Rocket League for a while. Had no idea I'd love The Binding of Isaac so much too.
I've used Allegrograph about 12 years ago to build a database of biological data and found the querying results to be very nice. It fits biological data very well, but it's been a while so I can't exactly remember why I felt that way now.
I remember learning that Wikipedia had an export format that you could import into graph databases and the idea that I could easily link diseases or terms to their Wikipedia article was pretty neat.
I'm working on installing a program right now that relies on a graph database backend to bridge databases about genetic sequencing mutations (simplified language for general audiences) to known drugs that could be effective against cancers with that mutation. Here's hoping it works well!
I just learned about Yuka the other day. Nice to now know a great alternative!
God clearly shot first and put a hole in their inflatable boat. This is just self defense.
We connect to a subset of DBPedia, which extracts knowledge from the infoboxes on Wikipedia articles.
So it's Wikipedia...
I'm just joking around. I love semantic databases and have worked with a few. Haven't heard of this one though, so nice link.
That's three freeze frames in a row where he looks dead-behind-the-eyes evil and disturbing.
He looks like he's been doing a lot of drugs.
I watched this movie without knowing anything about it ahead of time. Just loved it!
No dropshot no play this season.