I don't know this particular group, but sounds interesting.

Fear and Greed Rule (lemmygrad.ml)

Last couple weeks have been very intense for me emotionally, and I noticed I was a short stress session away from snapping and doing unsafe things.

The internet didn't really help as all results were "how to calm a meltdown in autistic children" or shit like that.

I really like whistling and was at home, so I randomly did a 1 hour freestyle whistling spree which really helped, and probably annoyed my neighbours way less than loud banging noises and screaming would have. My head feels a bit light from all the intense breathing lol.

If I'm outside and have the time, I also try climbing trees or large debris, or sprint as if I'm late. I have no idea what to when in an enclosed professional space other than pretending to go to the bathroom.

What's your favourite meltdown-delaying technique?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/asklemmygrad@lemmygrad.ml

I've noticed some users here have mentioned the work of Paul Cockshott and I'm interested in looking into the computational aspects of planning.

I already know a bit about operations research, but couldn't find a good introductory paper about modern economic planning theories, specially since stuff like Google Scholar ranks by citations.

I'm currently reading "Towards a New Socialism" but it doesn't look like it'll delve too deeply into algorithms as far as I've got. Should I drop it and look into "Classical Econophysics" first? Or does anybody know a more technical book that I should look into?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

I've got this shower thought hunch about why corporations are so into subscription services rather than sales.

If you look at Steam, a 60 dollar game nets Valve around 20 bucks (30%) for every sale. On the other hand a subscription like Xbox Game Pass can only get Microsoft a maximum of 16 bucks per month, not even counting how much they pay to the developers included in the program.

So at least from this shallow reading, subscriptions should be worse than sales.

But on the other hand, there are some advantages which are obvious.

First off, casual users might not even be a potential loss for more expensive games. Besides that, it further alienates consumers from specific products they might want to consume, taking away developer power. And finally lots of people might just forget to cancel it because "it's so cheap" even when not using it.

But my shower thought was: what if this is favoured because it's worth much more as a financial asset?

Sales percentages are unpredictable and depend too much on third-party developers. If only flop games come out for a month, Valve will only learn about their lost potential revenue that same month. It's all a series of events.

On the other hand, subscription numbers are easy to track. If they go down, Microsoft will have at least a month of a heads up. If they go up, they can know beforehand that they'll have more money in the future. They are much more stable. They're financial assets.

Does this make sense? Has somebody who actually knows what they're talking about ever written about this?


A series of thoughts I noticed that might be familiar to some here.

"I don't have emotions"

"All my emotional presentations are fake"

"If people treat me better for my fake emotions, it's because I'm manipulating them"

"I don't deserve the sympathy I get"

"I shouldn't present any emotions in order to not extract underserved sympathy"

"I don't have emotions"

Obviously a lot of these thoughts are factually incorrect, but it doesn't matter to my silly brain. Laying them out clearly like this helped me with it, so I hope it helps other people too.


A bit late, but this is a good interview.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/neurodiverse@hexbear.net

Been doing a lot of exercise for the past couple of to make all the physical stuff I've been having to do feel easier.

Thankfully I'm not getting too much muscle (god forbid I look any more man-ish!), but the other day I think it finally clicked that I do indeed feel better at doing physical activities.

I was running like mad so as to not miss the bus, and instead of feeling tired or heavy of breath, I just felt light and focused. Walking around all day and up and down stairs also doesn't tire me anymore. I can even climb the occasional tree or urban debris.

But the best part is the sensation of running really fast and being able to focus on that feeling rather than oxygenation. All the noises, the asphalt, the wind.

A lot of the propaganda around exercise focuses too much on looking pretty rather than what you can do if you're physically fit. I'll never enjoy the idea of having a bulky body, but being able to do more with less effort is exactly my cup of tea.

I hope this motivates other people who feel similarly to rethink their perspective on exercising too. It all started with "I want to climb that tree", and now I can climb that tree.


Hello Vsauce, autistic here.

Going to be on some loud parties soon. I can tolerate the noise, but am trying to think of fidgeting tools that wouldn't look too out of place in a party when compared to my usual ones (broken Bic pens).

I'm thinking of something like jewellery or rings. Sadly my only ring looks too much like some wedding ring and that has been a problem in the past. Too bad, because it's a very pretty ring.

What are some (cheap!!!) tools y'all use?

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 48 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Besides being a fucking ugly graph where you can barely read the node labels, I also like that this one pretty much admits democrats are clustered along the other reactionaries.

They also don't describe how they even got that clustering (or the network itself) in the first place. I think it's safe to assume they either nicked it from the web or got an inexperienced intern to just do whatever with a Jupyter notebook.

Is it a network of "common posters"? Of links in sidebar? In cross-posts?

Data science is what happens when "programmers think they are experts in everything that deals with computers" is taken to its most extreme. This field needs a purge, for the sake of all actual statisticians.

Science is when you never show your methodology, because it came to you in ~~a dream~~ a linear regression.

Edit: why the heck is Anarcho_Capitalism plotted between Feminism, feminisms and Radical_Feminism?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

If you want a horror story, read this other article about his confinement:

He has not been outdoors—apart from a minute when police dragged him into a paddy wagon—since he took refuge in London’s cramped Ecuadorian Embassy in June 2012. The embassy’s French windows had afforded glimpses of sky. Here at Belmarsh maximum security prison in southeast London, his abode since April 11, 2019, he has not seen the sun. Warders confine him to a cell for 23 out of every 24 hours. His single hour of recreation takes place within four walls, under supervision. His paleness is best described as deathly.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 64 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I wonder if he'll double down on the "it's just a joke", like

It was just a prank to make y'all think I have child porn on my PC

It was just a prank that I got arrested for having child porn on my PC

It'll be one of the few times I'll thank cops for their good work.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

How long until liberals start saying that the ICJ is controlled by Putin's ally, South Africa?

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

As capitalist, he is only capital personified. His soul is the soul of capital. But capital has one single life impulse, the tendency to create value and surplus-value, to make its constant factor, the means of production, absorb the greatest possible amount of surplus-labour. Capital is dead labour, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.

I'm starting to think Marx wasn't just using an allegory there.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 47 points 8 months ago

And if Russia takes Ukraine then the rest of the EU is next.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 56 points 9 months ago

One particular thing about the Yankee "love" for indigenous people is that they effectively believe that indigenous people are dead or aren't part of their country any more. That means they can go on and on about how much they care about indigenous history, say they want to protect indigenous landmarks but don't ever talk about the currently living indigenous people fighting for their land and rights, or their many imprisoned comrades. This is true for other American settler states too.

This is why they'll post black and white pictures of long dead leaders (challenge: have them name those leaders and their nations), but if you ask them about AIM or even living leaders like Peltier they'll think you're making things up. If Israel manages to somehow stablish themselves in the Middle-East to the level the the US did in North America (highly doubtful), they'll celebrate "Palestinian Peoples' Day" the exact same way.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 44 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

On the other hand at least in Jerboa, there's a specific icon for banned people.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 70 points 11 months ago

Officials taking cash and cryptocurrency bribes or helping people eligible to be called up to fight to leave Ukraine are among the charges, said Mr Zelensky, in a video posted on social media.

wtf I support military corruption now. These are probably the Ukrainian officials who have saved the most Ukrainian lives, and they're getting the treatment of Germans who helped Nazi targets flee from Germany. What an odd coincidence.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 64 points 11 months ago


[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 45 points 11 months ago

Breaking News: Anarchists are now tankies! No one is safe unless they're inside a 50 ton Ironclad on wheels.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 52 points 1 year ago

Given that the actors' guild will probably start their own strike tomorrow, I think they might get a good bump in solidarity soon. Holywood corporations are willing to just let their workers starve rather than cede to their breadcrumb demands. This is no longer about "pay raise too high", it's about control because they know a victory here means momentum for the workers.

Even if you can't contribute to the Entertainment Community Fund (you likely can't), if you know people who like movies, series and stuff like that, you should probably remember them that this is going on. The media blackout on it is ridiculous.

[-] AlbigensianGhoul@lemmygrad.ml 45 points 1 year ago

the linked tweet is some scary rhetoric too.

Ukraine will definitely be able to protect Europe from any Russian forces, and it doesn't matter who commands them. We will protect. The security of Europe's eastern flank depends only on our defense.

Ukrainian soldiers, Ukrainian guns, Ukrainian tanks, Ukrainian missiles are all that protect Europe from such marches as we see today on Russian territory. And when we ask to give us the F-16 fighters or the ATACMS, we're enhancing our common defense. Real defense.

We went from "Europe will protect Ukraine" to "Ukraine will protect Europe" really quick didn't we? Are Ukrainians now aware that they're just dying to maintain an union they're not part of? Can't the all-mighty Europeans protect themselves anymore?

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