I'm just confused because they already must have had a lot of money. How much you need?
You can also go to the restricted area at night, just gotta make sure to not be caught by Filch
I know it feels like it due to societal pressures, but you don't have to invite anyone to your wedding, except maybe your spouse would be a good idea. Everyone else is optional.
Your mother is more important to you than your uncle, and if you want her there, not inviting your uncle is perfectly fine. In fact, I would even uninvite anyone that tries to shame you into inviting your uncle. Just additional drama that I wouldn't need in my life.
Who comes to your wedding is your (and your spouse's) decision only, and every invite should make your wedding better, not worse. It's possible to be an asshole with who you invite, but in this case it's absolutely not, you're not trying to hurt anyone, you're trying to prevent pain.
It's almost certain they can't. Motives are notoriously hard to prove, and they can just invent a plausible, legal, lie.
The lawsuit says that they think exactly what you're talking about is unlawful according to the DMCA. Let's see how it goes.
Yeah idk I'm having 0 success with them. Women are bombarded with likes/messages and I feel like with autism there's sure to be more charismatic ones than mine. When you get so many, there's little reason to even engage any except the very best ones.
I mean, we also have "bis dann" (literally, "until later") which never gets an actual answer either. Definitely not a "German" thing to do.
The real takeaway is that whoever says something like that just doesn't want to be able to see that makeup was applied, not that none was used. Most likely not even knowing that themselves because of their ignorance.
I feel that's a feature of Lemmy to not do both. I don't care about microblogs. I want the sites that I use to do one thing and do it as well as possible, so I can mix & match what I use, and not see what I don't want.
See, that was OPs problem! He said he wanted to remove all African countries because he already visited them, but you said to remove all African countries because you already visited every country in Asia.
Total beginner's mistake.
There are perfectly fine people on 4chan. Nothing about 4chan itself is even close to Nazism. It's a diverse message board. The worst scum of humanity posts there, but as this image literally shows, there are perfectly normal conversations there, a lot actually.