*intelligent people. Problem is that dumb people lack the cognitive capacity for the long term planning to understand the the financial burden of a kid would mean significant loss of standards if not getting a raise beforehand
Companies invented single use packaging - blamed the consumers for polluting the environment.
Consumers then paid for garbage disposal.
Companies did nothing wrong.
This spiral continues with everything.
Companies make people dependent on something by eliminating all alternatives, this turns out to be bad for the environment and suddenly the people are the bad ones.
Edit: there’s this thing in Germany called Rorax, which cleans your pipes. The 100% natural ingredients variant costs exactly the same as the microplastic thing. The only difference is that the natural one needs to sit at least 6 hours while the other one can do it in 2. I opted for the environmentally friendly option.
For everyone else who can only hear it if the notes are the correct format:
That’s… old. This is a windows phone style chatbox. My old Lumia 950 had the exact same style for messages.
Well, yes. Regular John just gets the game digitally for his SteamDeck or PS5 because it’s more convenient, while nerd Nelson wants the physical PS5 copy, or gets it from steam for his gaming PC. And to be honest, finding physical games in this day and age has become hard.
Kronk. He just pulls the lever and-
wrooong leveeeeer
People seem to forget that nearly all games that released 2024 were a total shitshow.
You‘re gonna hate me, but ChatGPT (any LLM tbh) is perfect for a generic start. Once you get the hang of it, it sucks, but until then it’s good.
Don’t forget to stabilize your kid’s sandwiches 🥪
White-bellied purple tit
Problem an allen bisherigen Studien ist, dass die Gruppen „kein Alkohol“ „ein glas am Tag“ und „alkoholiker“ nicht miteinbezogen haben, warum die Menschen keinen Alkohol trinken, etwa:
Sind sie krank und trinken deshalb nichts? Haben sie früher exzessiv getrunken, sind jetzt krank und trinken deshalb nichts mehr? All diese wurden in sämtlichen Studien als „kein Alkohol“ eingestuft. Klar, dass, wenn die, die ab und zu etwas trinken, von Haus aus schon mal gesünder sind, das natürlich das Ergebnis verfälscht.
Leider geht keine Studie auf die vor-Erkrankungen ein.