Hand picked quotes of ancient philosophiers is not evidence. For example another thing Socrates said is:
“The virtue of a man is to govern, and the virtue of a woman is to manage the household.”
Therefore by your definition this is evidence that a women that is unable to maintain a household is worthless.
What you've done is find quotes that agree with your observations. Ultimately, this is all confirmation bias.
You made no attempt to challenge your own assertions. When I did so, you immediately demanded I prove you wrong, shifting the burden of proof as Aristotle may have called it.
Definitely financial illiteracy.
I can afford it but refuse to use those services. They inflate the menu prices, add fees. I'm ok with tipping but not the rest of that.
Also, it's ridiculously inefficient compared to picking it up yourself. It's not just someone else is doing the drive for you. The delivery does work for the store so there is extra driving occurring, deadheading in trucker parlance.