
joined 3 months ago
[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 3 points 1 week ago

According to George Gamow, counting is just pairing quantities one-to-one. So pairing one sheep to one pebble would be considered counting to Georgie.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yo, I have no idea. I'm starting to believe that a lot of these anti-American accounts are Russian trolls. They're so unnecessarily antagonizing and hypocritical. Of all political entities in the world to criticize someone else... Europe? EUROPE? Let's take a look at the hypocrisy.

The US is racist!

  • Hmmm, I wonder who even came up with the idea of races?

The US had slavery!

  • Umm, who started that slavery?
  • Who captured and enslaved the Africans?
  • Who brought them over and sold them across all of the Americas?

The US supports the genocide of Palestine!

  • Ok, who gave that land to Zionists and why? What was the reason, hmm? And why Palestinian land??

The US spends too much on military and not enough on social welfare!

  • Yeah, who's going to save those fantastic EU welfare programs from Putin?
  • Btw, where are European countries buying their fancy high-tech military equipment from?
  • Who built those F-16s that European countries donated to Ukraine?
  • Why doesn't the EU build its own military-industrial complex then?

The US invaded Iraq!

  • Who drew up the lines of the Middle East to ensure permanent conflict?
  • Did someone forget Polend?

The US is belligerent!

  • Odd, because I don't think they started WWI nor WWII. Who was it?

The US dropped atomic bombs!

  • Crazy, but what was Europe doing instead of sending troops to invade Japan?

The US has terrible healthcare!

  • Interesting. Who is the leading researcher in medical interventions?
  • Who subsidizes the world's medications research and development so the rest of the world can brag about buying that shit wholesale and using generics a few years behind?

The US thinks too highly of itself!

  • Of all the continents, which continent isn't even a continent?

The US is too religious!

  • Remind me again, what were the Crusades?
  • And, why did so many Europeans even move to the US to begin with?
  • Can someone point on a map to where the head of Catholic Church is, please?

As far as I can tell, Europe starts shit and the US is left cleaning up the mess. Then, Europe talks shit about the US for trying to fix the problems it creates while they sit over there basking in the resources they extracted. WTF is that?

Extra: Texas is stupid for wanting to leave the union!

  • If Texas leaves (it won't), should we follow the established naming convention and call it Texit?


[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com -2 points 1 week ago

Please reread my comment slowly, word for word. See if you maybe missed something the first time.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com -1 points 1 week ago

Go to Central America and see what you think about American cops then.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 6 points 1 week ago

That was a good video

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 4 points 1 week ago

Oh for sure. I'm ready in case they pick me to go back in time and push human technology forward.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Other than that? I can’t think of anything, but maybe I’m ignorant.

According to this guy, some parts of African language were preserved and adapted in certain groups.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 2 points 1 week ago

Argentina is also quite racist.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 7 points 1 week ago (6 children)

They have not admitted that it was wrong what they were doing

This is a straight up lie.

  • There was a civil war about it. It was the most costly war for the country in terms of lives.
  • There was an amendment to the US Constitution about it.
  • The President at the time that slavery was ended is considered to be in the top 3 of the country's history.
  • There's a federal holiday to memorialize a civil rights leader. There are parades across the country on this day.
  • There are museums and exhibits all over the country on this topic.
  • There are tons of documentaries and shows on it.

This is such a blatant lie, that I don't even know what to say.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 5 points 1 week ago

Brazil took over 10 times more enslaved Africans than North America. That comment is way off.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Well, as a European (i.e. good person), let me welcome you to the developed world. We're not snobby or greedy pigs like the Americans that invented Nazis. In fact, no country in Europe has ever looked down upon another country, continent, or people. We've also never colonized any countries nor do we conduct joint military exercises and operations with the US, and we definitely do not benefit from the US's foreign policy and interventions. All of our luxuries are home grown and have never been the result of our brutal exploitation of other countries that resulted in horrific dictatorships, genocides, and ongoing conflict. If I remember correctly from my free history class, we have never even been to war at all. Btw, we have real history over here. Yours only goes back 200 years and has nothing at all to do with ours. What do you guys even talk about in history classes? lol!

There is absolutely no crime here in Europe, only healthcare. The other day on our superior mass-transit system, my friend was held at stethoscope-point by a criminal that alerted him that he had a heart murmur. I actually get a free diagnosis every morning. I have like 78 km of diagnoses written on superior A4 paper. We're also very cultured as we speak several languages, all European but still very cultured. There's absolutely no racism or oppression. All of my roommates have been Roma, Arabic, or African. My neighborhood has scheduled to protest for more minarets all week since the government makes sure we have enough vacation days to insist on diversity.

Our food is so organic that it's composed of only carbon. That's it. When you go to a restaurant, the waiters pick their most European customers every metric hour and gives them money. That's right; our waiters tip us. We recycle everything and have never contributed in any fashion to climate change, and we have never supported Putin for decades by purchasing Russian gas. We're in no way upset that we contributed less to NATO than we agreed to, depended on the US to save our asses while we enriched Putin, and now are wondering wtf we're going to do since we don't have shit for a military nor our own fuel supply.

It's about time you leave the US, who is 100% at fault for everything in the world and absolutely not an ally that serves as a scapegoat to compare ourselves against in order to distract from our bullshit.

Edit: I forgot to mention that our chocolate is superior, and there is absolutely no child labor involved anywhere in the production line.

[–] DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com 4 points 1 week ago

Yeah, they paid off so many NOAA employees, that they don't even have enough people to send up the weather balloons. Can't even properly predict the weather since we can't collect the data, let alone analyze it and make predictions.


...I was wrong. The instance hadn't federated to my instance yet. I fell a slight sense of loss.


I dreamt that I was hired as part of the team to help Trump hold a rally at place with several warehouses. My job was to go around between warehouses making sure everything was in order and people knew how to get from the main warehouse to the fried chicken warehouse which was about three warehouses down.

The thing was that Trump's show of extravagance for this event was fried chicken. He ordered so much fried chicken that the chicken was kept and served in a separate warehouse so attendants had to walk between the warehouses and see that the boundaries of the pathways were lined with fried chicken. Yes, the edges of asphalt walkway between the main entrance warehouse and the food serving warehouse were sited with fried chicken quarters (leg and thigh). During the prep, it was daytime and the workers were all friendly with each other. Once the event began, it became night time and the workers stayed socially distant. But get this...despite the insane amount of fried chicken that is being wasted on the floor as ornaments and that Trump instructed everyone to go get chicken once the event started, people, including the workers, still had to pay for chicken.

So in my dream, I was working for Trump at a rally, we lined the streets with fried chicken, and we all still had to pay for it. Wtf does that mean? Why am I dreaming about this?


I've been taking dexmethyl extended release for a bit with no problems. Works great. We decided to tray a higher dose. To do so, we needed pills with smaller doses rather than one huge one. That caused me to change pharmacies due to availability. Same medication, different pharmacy.

1st day

  • Same dose as before, just in several smaller dosed pills.
  • A bit tired in the afternoon. I stay in my room. I get take out.

2nd day

  • 10 mg more than regular
  • I drive out to town. On the way back, I feel like I couldn't care about anything. I had to repeat to myself in my head what I wanted to say for like a min before saying it. I stop at Costco and everyone felt like floating entities in a universe-sea that I was swim-walking through. It was like I was playing a very realistic 1st-person Grand Theft Auto, except I'm not a psychopathic car thief and serial killer; instead, I ate a slice of pizza and got some Ensures. Coming back home, I stop to get a coffee to help with the drive home. I was alert and aware, just distracted. I stay in my room the rest of the day. Don't feel like cooking, so I get take out.

3rd day

  • 10 mg more than regular
  • I don't do anything productive. I tried to watch TV around noon, but couldn't pay attention. I remember thinking, "That guy is saying something. I wonder if it's important." I am freezing all day. I take 2-3 hot showers just to warm up. I came to ask a question on Lemmy and completely forgot what it was. I ended up playing Age of Empires 2 for like 6 hours and lost all but one match. The one I didn't lose was cause my team won it. I literally only contributed 2 trebuchets.

4th day (today)

  • 20 mg more than regular
  • 45 mins after taking, I am straight up hallucinating. The walls start becoming even more 3d (lol); there are layers now. The patterns I just saw somewhere else in the room are transposed on top of what I am currently looking at. The colors fluctuate in intensity from colorful to black & white. Everything feels far away. My senses don't feel connected. Visuals and audio were two separate worlds independent of each other. I could hear silence. Silence has a sound, y'all! Doing something like showering seemed like a mission, so I didn't do it. I am freezing cold, wearing an undershirt, a long-sleeve shirt, two hoodies, long johns, sweat pants, and socks...all indoors and it's like 65°F in here.
  • Luckily, I was scheduled to meet with the doctor. He took notes, and asked if the bottle lists the manufacturer. I looked at the bottle twice as best as I could and respond that it doesn't. He asks me to show him the bottle and he spots it in a second. He said it's likely the generic manufacturer. He told me to keep track of generics that I have adverse events with and to notify the pharmacy so they don't give it to me again. I'm going back to the previous dose, pharmacy, and manufacturer.

Edit: I'm gonna have to make edits as I notice typos

Relevant video: https://youtu.be/VDqsHl3lBlA


Explanation: Many conspiracy theories argue that the CIA had or let JFK get assassinated, in part, for saying he wanted to, "Splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds." About a week ago, Trump has pushed to get all a list of all FBI agents that worked on the Jan 6 case in any manner in order to fire them. This includes high-level agents. More recently, the FBI announced that they found 2,400 new JFK assassination records.


My 28-hours circadian cycle jacks me up. I am dragging ass in the morning. I will get up at 5:30 with the Sun and not do anything beside doom scroll for hours. I might get up to brush my teeth around 9:00, maybe start living the day around 11:00. This is with meds. I'm trying to start a morning routine that gets me going. The basic tasks are:

  1. Have something planned to look forward to
  2. Wake up same time everyday with curtains open for light
  3. Make the bed
  4. Brush teeth
  5. Morning check in with a friend
  6. Positive/enjoyable morning activities

It is at #6 where I could use some help because everything besides laying down in quiet with headphones on and looking at pointless superficial stuff on the internet seems like it is too much effort. Food is repulsive in the morning, so no breakfast. I also need to be near a restroom for the first few hours in the mornings. Any recommendations?


Like autistic people get to be autistic. That's a word, and it has meaning. Someone can be autistic because it's a type of person (spectrumy type). In my opinion, ADHD sucks as an identifying term. It's 3 letters, one repeated. It means nothing as it is spelled and can't be owned as an identity because they're letters, not a word. "I'm adhudd." The initials include "disorder" in it. That sucks. Autistic people don't go around saying, "Hi, I'm austically disordered," cause that's not accepting. Is there a term that is smooth and not judgmental for ADHD? Maybe we can take Aspergers since it got dropped, but add the 'd' to get "Adspergers". Nah, that's stupid af. What about multibrained? I feel multibrained because I act like I've got multiple brains running in my head doing their own thing all at the same time, and I bounce around them based on who knows what.

What? Oh, yes...I'll have the spaghetti bolog-knees. Do you guys have red pepper...crushed red pepper? Yeah, thanks. Cool. I like your name tag. Is that really your name? Samsquatch?...oh! It's Samuel, but you changed it to Samsquatch! I love Trailer Park Boys. Fuck off, Leahy! Yeah. Sorry. I got excited.

Okay. So...um, is there a descriptive word for ADHD that isn't ADHD?


A white background with an all black icon of a person with eyes closed, crying, and holding their right hand to the face. The caption reads:

I am chronically ill

daily I take pills

to keep climbing the hill

while engaging my skills

to help you get your fill

while I shitpost for thrills


It's like your looking at pictures of a kid you vaguely recognize but can even remember them. "Where do I know that kid from??"


There's the whole TikTok thing, talk about EV cars, and now DeepSeek. I know I've heard my own stuff too, but I want to see what other people are hearing and seeing?

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