[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 2 points 29 minutes ago

Why are you bothering with special towels if you’re just using toilet paper at the end anyway?

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 6 points 30 minutes ago

Spray with bidet then dry with toilet paper. Why are people so confounded by these things? Have y’all never used water to bathe before?

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 2 points 10 hours ago

Tolkien’s work is wonderful as audio books just ‘cause they’re written like they should be presented as an oral history. Lots of editions exist out there.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago

Easy to do when trajectory is consistent, we do it all the time.

But yeah, ostensibly the Death Star has a hyperdrive which means it can move very fast (seemingly faster than any warp or trans warp drive). But it’s never really touched on how discreetly that enables it to move. (Based on it seeming to need orbital mechanics at sub-light speed to target the rebel base in Star Wars) I’m guessing a cube would out match it in a dog fight (stupidest dog fight ever). Now Death Star II seemed a little more quick with its super laser in Return of the Jedi (targeting rebel capital ships with ease) so that’s also something to consider.

But I bet your bottom dollar the Borg can get through whatever shielding technology the empire has since physical ships can traverse it without issue.

End of the day you got a huge ball filled with slightly more effective storm troopers that look gross.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 1 points 14 hours ago

Everything is stationary when velocity is matched. The main issue is a Cube can change its velocity whereas a planet cannot.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

You’ve clearly been living under a rock the past 8 years if you think this is true.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Don’t do shit like that.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago
[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Didn’t realize he was hated? He is a fucked up little weirdo but so is everyone in that show. Man, I might need to rewatch, been way too long.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

If there is any discernible pattern to noise it keeps me awake (talking, music FUCKING STUPID MOTHER-FUCKING NIGHT BIRD). I use a noise machine with white noise or fan sounds running. Creates a lovely sound blanket from that mother-fucking night bird.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

but will it let you walk around aimlessly doing 0 crime, yet being called a crime lord while telling everyone with weird fake teeth “I am Boba Fett.”?


You can’t have a shower thought outside a shower so how can it be that thoughts in a shower are outside in the shower?

Bear with me, if you have a shower thought outside is it in a shower if you’re showering?


Don’t got not other social to complain on so here I am: I really am hating the on-foot radio. I honestly find most of the radio music in the game to be kinda annoying and I’m really annoyed that I have to manually turn it off now every single time I exit a vehicle. I like it when driving, I like it when its on a physical diegetic source in the game (like when there’s a radio turned on on a table in a scav den) but now having to just have the radio all or nothing is honestly just annoying. I wish they had implemented a way to toggle this option in the game settings (if there is and I haven’t found it PLEASE let me know).

anyone else feeling this way? I am honestly kinda confused that this was an addition. I’d think car customization was a bigger community ask than “having a constant stream of generally annoying music” was big on the list.


Why would the devs do this to V?

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