lol 1.6 billion dollars well spent to indoctrinate the citizens of the failing empire and its vassals. This latest masterpiece is probably in response to the recent successful missile launch to reassure themselves that they're still number one.

[-] 52 points 7 months ago

There are plenty of liberals from the PRC, especially from the big liberal cities such as Shanghai. There are still a whole bunch of NED funded media/social media accounts in the mainland in general.

In my experience meeting such classmates they're not that different from some of the HK/TW international students as they all tow the same line.

[-] 41 points 9 months ago

The libs are smugly regurgitating "consequences" "fuck around and find out" while these people are being bombed

"Your country is fake" (


West commits genocide and their slaughter of millions of innocents in the middle east - bringing freedom and civilisation to a barbaric region

PRC de-radicalising by improving living standards, education. Affirmative action and exempt from the one child policy - GeNoCiDe

One of the worst parts about this whole ordeal is libs being more outraged about 'this is ruzzian propaganda' or 'fcking tankies are gonna love this' rather than the fact that their heckin wholesome Klanadian government gave this guy a standing ovation (or the fact that they still have statues/monuments dedicated to the Nazis that they sheltered post WW2) lol

Saying the quiet part out loud at least lol

Russiagate got stale so they're going to use Chinagate this time lol

source: their ass

What interest would they have in swaying voters between 2 different wings of the same imperialist party that both want the destruction of the PRC lol

These colonial worshipping kids have been kneeling so long that they've forgotten how to stand.

Their beloved 'prime minister' Churchill has quotes that wouldn't feel out of place in Hitler's collection:

“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion”

[the Pashuns] needs to “recognise the superiority of race”

“I hate people with slit eyes and pigtails. I don’t like the look of them or the smell of them — but I suppose it does no great harm to have a look at them.”

We shall have to take the Chinese in hand and regulate them… as civilised nations become more powerful they will get more ruthless, and the time will come when the world will impatiently bear the existence of great barbaric nations who may at any time arm themselves and menace civilized nations. I believe in the ultimate partition of China—I mean ultimate. I hope we shall not have to do it in our day. The Aryan stock is bound to triumph.

The last one still rings true with the "just the government not the people" libs nowadays.

[-] 59 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I remember reading from 5 star reddit armchair generals that their militaries weren't intended to be fighting guerilla warfare, which is why their oh-so-humanitarian-totally-never-target-civilians militaries struggled so much against guerilla fighters in their wars against Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. They instead said that they were designed to obliterate traditional militaries in uniform such as those of their current state department designated enemies.

For all the "Russia's a bunch of poor commies still using USSR era equipment", sounds like NATO and its proxies had a wakeup call when this time they're on the receiving end where they didn't have superiority in firepower, on the ground and the air.

Years later they'll say the same shit as they did after the devastation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc...

Libs: how could we have known? We didn't vote for this so it's not our fault.

Then watch them have selective memory while they cheer on the next war.

社会主义好 (
La Baguette (

Cat/Leopard/Tiger is Germany and the Cock is France

Bunny is PRC and Big Bear is Russia

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