[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 6 points 10 hours ago

The vehicle will have to be disposed of at the end of its lifetime anyway.

What it will affect is the reduced carbon from a shorter use time, and kill the oxygen waster inside. Overall a net positive.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

12, 8, 4.

Its my job to make sure you have food, not to force you to eat it. Eat or don't, you're problem.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Yes, because current lifestyles, demands, expectations and avaliable time are exactly the same as they were in the 40s.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Pretty sure in flight had a fuse to pull. Its a massive power draw, and can absolutely affect engine performance.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

First of all, good perspective.

You know what we spent the genocide doing? Trying to feed our own kids. Working two jobs so we have enough to eat, worrying about climate change and the natural disasters that happened. Being priced out of the housing market, medical issues we cant afford to treat, significant mental health crisis, having constant realistic doom shoved down our throats being anyone capable of reading the signs and stressing about a realistic 50% chance the most powerful country in the world is about to elect a dictator that takes them back 200 years and threatens EVERYONE.

But oh no, we didn't stop this one too.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Wasn't made safe, fuel on board, hot things falling onto burnny things. Arching, things breaking, wrapped sparky things becoming unwrapped.

Looks like its coming from superstructure, so could be engine room fire venting out.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Ignoring the typical reddit comments that seem to have followed.

  • yes, NZ has a navy. Its not massive, isn't going to win any wars and should probably be bigger considering we have the 5th largest EEZ in the world... but our total population is a medium city spread out over an area 1/4 of Europe so we do what we can.

  • its not the first time one of our survey ships have run around, but its the first in decades.

  • regardless of the cause CO, XO, OOW and NAV will take the blame. Saying that, it is interesting that our armed forces have been under staffed, under equipped and under trained for decades. Is there a cultural cause, lack of maintenance, incorrect SSO? Was it running at condition 1Z, were they where they thought they were, did they have to be there to do their job, what damage was taken and what was the response? Was the CO right to abandon ship and save lives in peace, or risk lives to save the ship?

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Well... shit....

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I think if anyone could belive i was serious they wouldn't accept any new information like a /s as it doesn't align with their world view.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 55 points 6 days ago

I swear this is something people are missing with climate change. Yeah, 1.5 degree warming of the land, water and air isn't alot... until you realize how much energy that takes at a regional or global scale....

And that is added to every natural disaster.

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 13 points 6 days ago

Logic is sound

[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 26 points 6 days ago

Let's take this through to worse case for both sides.

Harris doesn't intervene in a foreign conflict.

Trump becomes Emperor of USA (would that even be their name), women are slaves, anyone not white and male is threatened with violence, democracy dies, USA become an authoritarian, racist, violent oligarchy, the world burns through climate change and conflict.... and Trump doesn't intervene in the same conflict.


Look, we need the money and fuel is bloody expensive, but I believe we are adding another problem to the next generation and regressing further.

The tax sucks, but the benefits were worth it.


Like the whole country is just exhausted


Don't know the best way to put this but ill try.

As much as I love this country, we have fallen soo far behind. I don't want to get to political, but I think Labour tried to fix it in one way, now Nat will try the other. Neither will work in the time they have.

We always prided ourselves on our past accomplishments- women vote, Hillary, Rutherford, Nuclear Free, Maori Batallion - and what we are as a country - massive dairy producers, amazing tourist destination, friendly people. But we have dwelled on it too long and got complacent. Our desire to repeat our past success has made us miss opportunities that require years of investment, and meant we are now in a cultural and economic hole that will be increasingly difficult, expensive and time consuming to get ourselves out from.

We have a tiny population and limited housing in an empty country where people have limited desire and finances for kids. Massive farms that produce income for a few overseas investors or historic families. Massively increasing inflation and cost of living due to our long supply chains and small industry base, especially compared to overseas. Falling education at a time we needs teachers, medical persons, engineers and tradies... unis are slashing courses, councils are running out of money, and overseas investors will funnel more out of the country.

I just want others thoughts around this - I have multiple ideas and theories, but I want to hear from you all.


Did a 8 hour pork roast at same time but can't upload.


Everytime i comment the text int showing up - just the underline. Works in this post for some reason though.


Hi all,

Reddit refugee here. I've been following hfy for a number of years and am invested quite heavily in a number of stories. I usually read on mobile on my lunch break, but with rif going and the shocking app it's replaced with I can no longer do so - just log in via computer every week or so to catch up.

What I am interested in is seeing if any coders here are able to make a bot that pulls ongoing stories from r/hfy when they are updated (first contact, TFTR.etc) and ask the authors if they are ok with it being automatically posted to lemmy as well?

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