
joined 4 months ago

Better yet, redacted by admins

My parents just pull the "mix cheap catfood with the expensive catfood" trick

You had me till the "work" part 😾

"Jury Nullification" does not "exist" (as in, its not really part of the law), its merely the term we use to describe the logical consequence of the two facts:

  1. When a jury renders a "not guilty" verdict, its final and cannot be overturned (in most of the countries today that uses juries)

  2. The jurors cannot be punished for making the "wrong" verdict

Therefore, a Juror could just... refuse to convict even if theres overwhelming evidence. So the juror thinks the defendent is guilty, but gives the verdict of "not guilty". That is what we call "Jury Nullification".


Abolitionists refusing to convict escaped slaves.

White supremacists refuse to convict mobs who lynched innocent black people.

See that's the issue, it could be used for good, but could also be used for evil.

Once you mention it in the jury instructions, the likelihood of jury nullification goes up.

As to why they aren't supposed to do that, its because they are supposed to be judges of facts, not judge of law (aka: they have to decide solely on the evidence, and should not decide on things like constitutionality of the law or morals/ethics, its in the Juror Instructions to judge only on the facts. But there's nothing stopping a juror from just silently ignoring those instructions. Judges are not mindreaders.

They just can't talk about it, because it would be contempt of court (since they'd be going against juror instructions), at least until deliberations begin, once that happens, (as far as I know) I think they could talk about it, but I'm not sure if the judge could declare a mistrial if they find out. But in order to do a jury nullification, all the jurors (if the trial is in the USA) would have to agree to vote "not guilty" anyways as jury decisions need to be unanimous, and if they all agree to just ignore the evidence, nobody would be snitching to the judge, so the judge wouldn't know anyways. (Jury Deliberation proceedings happens in secret amongst the jurors).

I’m just curious how this all works in practice. If jurors can ultimately do whatever they want, what stops them from using nullification all the time?

You just avoid mentioning Jury Nullification. Try to get on the jury, then in deliberations, try to sow doubts on the evidence. Remember: you need everyone to agree on the verdict, or else its a hung jury and there will be a new jury chosen for a new trial, and the prosecution can keep trying forever until a verdict had been reached (or the prosecution gives up, or the judge dismisses the case with prejudice).

Use phrases like:

"Are we sure this is the perpetrator?"

"What if the prosecution is wrong?"

"Maybe they caught the wrong person?"

"This evidence looks suspicious to me"

"I think the defendent is being framed"


Try to hide the fact thay you are trying to use jury nullification

I'm not sure if you can talk about it after deliberations begin (I am not a lawyer), but if you are desparate to get the unaninimity to acquit, you could just out yourself and be like: "Are we really gonna convict this person? The victim deserved it!" (Again, I am not a lawyer, this could get you in trouble if a juror snitches on you).

Hopefully we don't have to use the 4th box of liberty 👀

[–] 39 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader. Said he would vote no on the maga funding bills... then the next day changed his mind like the coward he is.

In current Senate Rules, 60 votes are needed to end discussion (aka: cloture) in order to prceed to a vote. republicans only have a simple majority so they would need a few democrats in order to pass the bill. But Chuck the Cuck just told the democrats to vote yes.


[–] 21 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Amateur Radio.

The first video I found on Baofeng Radio guides is on a youtube channel run by some right winger that sounds like a SovCit, who makes "jokes" about people who wear mask and have this "gay humor".

Like bruh

(I mean, I guess it makes sense. Right-wing "anarchists" are skeptical of "government control" and are the type of people to want to use radios instead of smartphones. Buts its ironic that encryption is illegal... But I assume they probably just ignore the "no encryption" rule anyways since they are a SovCit.)

I'm depressed AF and I'm supposed to running PretendingtoBeHappyAndNormal.exe but it crashed because its missing some NeurotransmitterBalance.dll files and I can't download the .dll because the internet is too slow 🙃


Depression be scrambling my braincells like an egg 😓


And its not just translating, sometimes its filling out forms and stuff, sometimes even taxes... It's the immigrant version of "Free Tech Support", the "Free Translator/Interpretor" 😓


I can't figure out how to use a wireguard configuration and just let the app use the DNS of my VPN provider.

If I use a normal wireguard client, it works perfectly... before I turn the VPN on in Rethink DNS app, it shows my ISP's DNS, after I turn it on and I check dns leaks and it shows as my VPN provider's. Simple right?

But I also want to use a firewall simultaneously. So far I find Rethink DNS to be the only app that can do this.

Problem is: the app give me 3 options for the DNS settings: Rethink DNS, System default (which DNS leaks test just shows it as my ISP being the DNS), or some list of public DNS servers. I just want it to automatically use the DNS of my VPN provider, just like a regular wireguard client does. Idk how this app works...


I kinda don't trust my home network because my brother is douche and I feel like he's gonna do some weird things with the connection, so I prefer to juse use my phone's data (unlimited data plan) to avoid any shenanigans. Hypothetically, how much harm can an evil wifi do?

Does using HTTPS avoid all risks? What about evey program on your computer or every app on your phone, do they also have HTTPS everywhere on? (I use Android btw)

How much could a VPN do better that HTTPS cant?


Okay, this is not an iPhone vs Android Phone debate. I respect your right to choose whichever platform that you want.

I mean, iPhone seems so antithetical with the idea of freedom. You have to connect it to a server to even use it, all apps have to go through a centralized server, no option to install whatever apps you want, which means, you literally cannot have any third-party apps without an online account.

Most of my fellow americans seems to love the idea of freedom so much, yet just buy into a closed ecosystem with no freedom? 🤔

Like almost 60% of Americans use iPhone, kinda weird to preach freedom when you cant even have an app without a corporation's approval. If it were any other country, I wouldn't find it weird, but for a country that's obsessed with the idea of freedom (so much so that they disobeyed mask mandates), it's really weird to be using a device with zero freedom.


I just rewatched The Good Place and I'm having an existential crisis... (again)

Like what if, everything I'm seeing is just a simulated reality of a habitable planet, but its all just part of the torture? And worst yet, what if everyone else is just a demon torturing me..

See: Climate Change, Politics, I mean wtf, I leave PRC, an authoritarian country, just to end up in another autocracizing country? (talking about USA btw) Like this seems like part of the script, this is a torture chamber. All the racism I faced, bullying, evil teachers, people olaying loud music in the middle of the night, shitty parents, random kids screeching throught the neighborhood, Everything. Like if this world is really a random chaotic universe, there should be both good and bad if things are random. But the overwhenming thing is just bad. This just has to be a torture chamber. My "parents" and my "brother" could just be demons in disguise trying to torture me.

Like IDK why I'm even asking this, all of Lemmy could be part of the torture, what if everyone on Lemmy is also a demon that are gonna dismiss my theory anyways. (Hello Lemming Demons 👀)

And you might say "Well if its hell, why did they let you know about such a concept", well that's the thing, it makes it more realistic. If a subject in this Fake Universe Torture Chamber wants to question it, the other "people" who could be demons that would dismiss the claim and just say "that's a work of fiction".

Oh yea btw, if this is actually The Bad Place, I have something to say to the demons: go fuck yourselves with your demon tentacles, ya basic

Okay I'm not literally saying I believe all this, but its a scary concept to think about. And now I can't sleep. Thanks, The Good Place


You cannot resurrect yourself

50 meters in radius, in any direction inclusing above or below. It has to happen within 5 minutes of their brain dying. If resurrected, all injuries that they got when they died is reversed.

Billionaire as measured in US Dollars at the moment you use the ability

100 years added their lifespan does noy make them immune to homicide or accidenys.

You can use this unlimited amount of times.

If no billionaire exists at the tine you try to use this power, then you cannot use the power.

Edit: Lol not sure why people downvoted. I guess everyone just hate moral philosophers... 🤣


Like... where does the default windows signing keys come from? Isn't that like hard embedded into the BIOS/UEFI when the hardware is made? If so, how does Linux even use Secure Boot? Does it somehow replace the keys when you install a new OS?

I tried googling, but all I find is just simple pages that doesn't have much detail.


Every single clock, even those that are air gapped. Countdown timers lose a minute, stopwatches add a minute. Biological clocks aren't affected.

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