Like I said, very poor taste.
Besten Dank
If Hell is in Michigan, then I’m pretty sure it freezing over is not all that uncommon, in fact it probably happens every year.
"Being forced out" is a funny way to spell "losing the election".
Yup, basically their entire business revolves around making 2 games: Far Cry and Assassin's Creed. And they keep remaking them over and over and over again ad nauseam, until even the most hardcore fans of the series are tired and bored.
It’s over, Anakin, I have the high ground
Indeed, it seems to be the secret to a long life.
Sir, this is a bong.
Due to inflation, I’m afraid one bean is all I can offer you…
Every day I’m strugglin’
Okay, let me make it perfectly clear then: I do not recommend or endorse this company. Do not use them or do business with them. I just came here to make fun of them.
Perhaps they're a fan of Assassin's Creed?