- Alt account all the way
- If you're still on iOS, the failed to load media bit is likely webm videos. As far as I know, Voyager uses the stock video viewer, which also has trouble with them (same as opening in safari etc.) Dunno if that's an Apple thing or a Google thing, licensing maybe? Mlem seems to handle them fine, but that is running its own renderer, which I believe Apollo did as well.
- There's a lot of overlap between instances. It's messy. Subscribing to multiples will get you duplicates of a lot of posts, but only subscribing to one will miss some things, especially if it's a smaller community. Personally, I subscribe to niche/hobby content for the most part. Anything else I'll just use all/local, and block comms I'm not interested in. (Voyager's keyword filter also helps a lot, but good luck avoiding American politics even with blocks and filters.)
Guess it's time to give mlem a test drive, thanks for the feedback!
"But that's gang violence, it doesn't count."
- some people, for whatever reason
How is it with webm? A good chunk of Lemmy-hosted videos just show as "failed to load media" in Voyager.
Total coincidence, I swear lol.
...they left off? Or just dipped out of the spotlight for the time being?
How is someone with anxiety and depression supposed to do all of this?
I got lucky. I called my primary out of desperation, after hopelessly trying to sift through which places take what insurance and if those places are even any good. He referred me to a psychiatrist (who I got to see after only a few weeks delay and several follow up calls), who pointed me at a referral service for intensive outpatient. That initial psych I didn't like but everyone since has been great. (Previous attempts at self-help have landed me with pill mills and hacks.) It's just that a year later, I'm still deep in the shit, have been denied disability twice (they never even talked to me), and eventually the mortgage company is going to stop playing nice... and I'll end up with nothing.
As the saying goes, I'm in this post and I don't like it.
her appointment is likely a smokescreen so they have someone to throw under the bus
It's already super effective. Already one reply in this thread calling for her head.
The most realistic thing that can happen in the US at the moment and that can change things for progressives is a "Democrat tea party".
I hear Roger Stone is free these days.
Every year the local squirrels steal the veggies we plant
This has been my experience as well, along with raccoons decimating all but one season's attempt at a water garden.
Not if returned in original condition, no. But let's say, for the sake of argument, every third one had a slow-acting UV reactive portrait of goatse or tubgirl applied to it. You put them out, everything is fine. But after a few hours (days maybe?) in the sun, boom. Can you trust the others? No. Are you going through the effort of painting over them? No.
(Also, I have no idea if this is even a thing technologically. I just like to stretch the ol imagination muscles every so often.)
Trebuchet yes, but still at the sun. No, she won't reach. That's okay. Parabolas are beautiful. Don't @ me.