Whoaa that's really good to know, thanks!
Yeah that's definitely my problem, I just can't seem to resist overthinking it ๐
Etsy has been rapidly going downhill for a while now, in many ways. It's a shame...
Does Ravelry allow nudity in their pattern sales? I think so, right? There's also some new site that's modeled after Etsy, except it's like a worker co-op or something cool like that. Not much on there yet though
This trope, like how the Addams Family does it, has always really bothered and confused me. Like if the characters followed it to it's logical conclusion, it wouldn't make any sense at all, and I just can't get over that. I don't know how to explain what's logically wrong with it, I wish someone would like write a tvtropes page about it
It's been ages since I actually worked on any, but way back I got reasonably deep into Lojban
I'm usually all for fediverse folks shitting on big corporate social media platforms, they definitely all deserve it. But unless I'm mistaken, and I very well might be, TT seems like it gets wayyyy more vitriol than the other big bads. Hopefully that's not for "old man yells at cloud" type reasons.
Anyway, definitely looking forward to Loops when it's ready!!
I'll have to take your word for it, but I have my doubts! Regardless, I feel like it's better to focus on whether you are doing or have done bad things, than to worry about whether you're an inherently bad person. You can always work to do better in the future, and to make amends.
Ohhh, that's brilliant! I've been using named sketch constraints and then formulas referencing those so far, but AFAICT you can't seem to name the parameters in pads/pockets/etc? Using a spreadsheet sounds much better, thanks!
No, absolutely not. At least, certainly none of my own, even if I were capable of it... I don't really see the point in procreating with the world on such a catastrophic trajectory. On the other hand, if I find myself in a situation where I have a home and resources to share, and some unfortunate already-existing kids need those things, I'd certainly offer them a place. That would be just as true for non-kids though, so I dunno how much of a "parent" that'd really make me.
I came to say the same thing about Camellia sinensis, thinking "am I about to be more of a tea purist than is even encapsulated in this chart?" So I'm glad somebody else got there first lol
Me as a vampire and also Marvel's The Thing: "It's hemogobblin' time!"
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! ๐