I live in Colorado, and one day I stepped on the scale and noticed that I hit a milestone, did the math and realized that per my BMI I just hit the obese line (check yours, it's probably lower than you think).
I decided that I was not going to be the guy fucking up this map for my fellow Coloradans, so I started eating more vegetables, fewer carbs, and fewer calories overall, and lost 25 pounds.
So, I'd say peer pressure helps.
We want to elect a president who is a convicted fraudster, found to have committed a sexual assault, who incited people to overthrow the government and murder is VP then watched excitedly while it went down, and who has promised to suspend our rights to punish anyone who questions him...
And then, we want to talk about presidential ethics?
Yeah, no. That ship has sailed. Ethics will get much much worse, because that's what voters clearly selected. Lets not pretend anyone gives a shit.