[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 10 hours ago

Stalin stuffed the soviet beureacracy with so many loyalists that as soon as he died, the soviet union underwent de-stalinization.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 1 day ago

A lot of it was the aging of the population and leadership, combined with loss of political knowledge caused by the loss of an entire generation during ww2.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 3 days ago

We are not making sacrifices. The people being killed by dem policies are making sacrifices. This shit is 2 serial killers trying to pull a good cop bad cop on us.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 days ago

Really on the nose that last comment there. Literally saying that they can be mildly annoyed into supporting world genocide. There is no way this person is not already a nazi.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 6 days ago

From thinking that Taylor swift or Operah should host the primary to thinking that Joe Biden dropping out would make him into some kind of hero, the authors of this proposal are almost as delusional as Biden himself.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 6 days ago

leading discussions on theory

I thought these guys hated theory? Also, leading? Sounds authoritarian ....

making clothes from scraps and making lattes whenever needed

Do these people think that the economy in higher stage Communism will look like a loose collection of arts and crafts projects?

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 86 points 1 week ago

How the fuck is the "anti-electoralist left" supposed to accomplish anything when they neither posses state power and is constantly crushed by the state power that it does not posses? The mfing Democrats put all their power into blocking and shooting leftists, then wonder why the left isn't getting anything done.


The election discourse has become cancerous because it keeps going in circles. This is because liberals have become fixated on the narrative of there being some large bloc of leftists who are going around trying to convince people to not vote. However, this contingent, does not actually exist? Most of the people I have seen take a stance against voting for Biden aren't telling other people to not vote. Some are, but the number of these people is so vanishingly small (compared to the rest of the electorate) that it becomes clear that the election discourse is entirely a waste of time.

Liberals are also really trying hard to convince these people to vote (by berating them online), and it just seems like this is the most idiotic and time wasting strategy possible. These people have negative charisma.

Even if they actually could actually speak persuasively, wouldn't it be far better to target the large number of non-voting centrists/apathetic people rather than leftists who have taken a principled stance (and thus could only be convinced if you knew more about American and world history, which liberals are blissfully unaware of)?

For as much as liberals are fond of accusing leftists of being impotents on a moral high horse, the election memers aren't accomplishing anything either.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 80 points 1 week ago

These attacks are an "ongoing problem without an obvious or useful solution at hand," she added.

I can think of one

Need help with tibet (lemmygrad.ml)

I finally managed to convince my lib friend to accept that he may be wrong about tibet (he thinks that the chinese settler colonised tibet), and that I should give him some sources for reading and for him to make up his mind.

However, I don't really know where to start in finding good quality sources that he will trust (he is very distrustful of Chinese sources). Does anybody know any good sources I can use? Our argument revolves around 2 main points

  1. China did not conduct a genocide in tibet
  2. Tibet was a feudal theocratic society before its liberation.

Much appreciated.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 69 points 1 month ago

Only the people not on the ground and doing no work say shit like this. They don't understand how difficult it is to actually mount a military resistance, and how little room there is for being uncompromising.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 1 month ago

God America can't collapse fast enough


Archive link

Key information:

South Korea will spend the money to build 13 new chip plants and three research facilities, on top of an existing 21 fabs. Spanning Pyeongtaek to Yongin, the area is expected to be the largest in the world, capable of producing 7.7 million wafers monthly by 2030.

As part of the two-decade plan, Samsung and Hynix are set to build their most sophisticated chip plants at home. Samsung’s betting big on foundry – or making chips for other firms – as part of a 500 trillion won investment by 2047. Smaller rival Hynix aims to invest 122 trillion won in memory in Yongin over the same period.

The government said the region will also house smaller chip design and materials companies. The overarching ambition is to improve the country’s self-sufficiency in semiconductors, while increasing its market share of global logic chip production to 10 per cent by 2030 from 3 per cent now.

?Pangyo, where fabless firms are now concentrated, will be the hub of low-powered, high-performance AI chips. Suwon will be a central test bed for compound semiconductors, while Pyeongtaek will see a new semiconductor R&D centre at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology’s new campus to be completed by 2029.

Some more information on compound semiconductors

Additional details


The other day, I was arguing with someone israel and Palestine, and they brought up the whole "everybody has done settler colonialism before" trope. While it's an idiotic argument even if true (directly contradicting their whole "rules based international order" sthick), it did get me wondering.

I've assumed up until now that settler colonialism is a phenomena unique to the capitalist phase of history, but how true is that exactly?

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 55 points 3 months ago

leaving the Kremlin free to revive the conflict at a future time of its choosing.

I keep seeing this, and yet I have not ever had anyone explain to me why the fuck Russia would revive the conflict on a future date unless the west pulled some shit again. It's not as if the end of the conflict won't allow the west to rearm and prepare for war again. Why will time only benefit Russia here?

“Don’t believe the hype about them just throwing troops into the meat grinder to be slaughtered,” he added. “They do that too, of course — maximizing even more the impact of their superior numbers — but they also learn and refine.”

Is this ... holy shit. The war situation has gotten so bad, they are now toning down the Orientalism.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 67 points 3 months ago

During the congressional hearing, Representative Cory Mills grew visibly frustrated as he recounted how China “continues to promise railways like they did between Djibouti and other areas to try and link trade, they promise electrical terminal capabilities with hundred-year leases to try to create these reliances that has weakened America’s ability to be able to compete with them in the non-kinetic [non-military] influence capabilities,” to which Langley robotically admitted, “We know that we can’t keep up with the Belt and Road Initiative of billions of dollars in infrastructure.”

This brings a smile to my face. Based China improving the lives of people.


This meme I think is the perfect encapsulation of the liberal mentality. The election is treated as a moral choice in a context free and timeless vacuum. There is no understanding of the laws of motion of history, or the logic that drives the American government, neither of which can be affected by an election.

There is the belief that you can delay fascism by voting for the liberal party, without understanding that it is the failures of the liberal party in the first place that breeds fascism.

Reading the comments on the original post, the closest thing to a long-term strategy I saw was to make progressive (by liberal standards) ideas more popular and to vote more tactically in the next elections. Even when I was a liberal, I knew this was a dogshit strategy because it is vulnerable to the Republican strategy of fucking with the legal system and acquiring power regardless of how people vote.

I cannot understand how liberals, after being being told constantly by their own media sources that republicans have made a science out of undermining American elections, believe that the counter to Republicans is ... more effort on elections.


Sorry about the long post (shortest leftist wall of text be like)

When it comes to the "labour aristocracy" in the first world, I feel like many leftists wildly exaggerate both its size and wealth. This is often done to the point of erasing class conflict in the first world, as this article does. I might be totally wrong here, but i feel like these authors are making anti-marxist errors. The following points are emblematic of what I am talking about (emphasis mine):

The class interests of the labour aristocracy are bound up with those of the capitalist class, such that if the latter is unable to accumulate superprofits then the super-wages of the labour aristocracy must be reduced. Today, the working class of the imperialist countries, what we may refer to as metropolitan labour, is entirely labour aristocratic.

This is just completely wrong when one considers just how many poor people live in the first world who obviously don't receive super-wages. US poverty rates alone are always above 10%, and that poverty line is widely known to be inadequate. The US also is significantly more wealthy than Europe, where the calculus is even worse. And that doesn't even account for the wild wealth disparities that exist in the first world.

When ... the relative importance of the national exploitation from which a working class suffers through belonging to the proletariat diminishes continually as compared with that from which it benefits through belonging to a privileged nation, a moment comes when the aim of increasing the national income in absolute terms prevails over that of improving the relative share of one part of the nation over the other

What it is saying is that when the working class share of national income becomes high enough, they start to want to exploit other nations as that becomes beneficial. However, the expansion of imperialism in the neoliberal era is also the reason for the stagnation of living standards in the imperial core. By accessing a larger pool of labor in the south, the position of northern workers is threatened. That's why Northern workers have fought against outsourcing, the very fundamental imperialist measure.

Thereafter a de facto united front of the workers and capitalists of the well-to-do countries, directed against the poor nations, co-exists with an internal trade-union struggle over the sharing of the loot. Under these conditions this trade-union struggle necessarily becomes more and more a sort of settlement of accounts between partners, and it is no accident that in the richest countries, such as the United States---with similar tendencies already apparent in the other big capitalist countries---militant trade-union struggle is degenerating first into trade unionism of the classic British type, then into corporatism, and finally into racketeering

I am not too familiar with the history of the trade union, but wasn't the degeneration of the unions largely a result of state and corporate action against the unions? They engage in union busting, forced out radical leaders, performed assasinations, etc. This seems like an erasure of the class struggle to the point that the unions are depicted as voluntarily degenerating.

I feel like these kinds of narratives, which are popular amongst liberals as well (liberals will often admit that weak nations are exploited. Example - America invades for oil meme) tend to justify imperialism to westerners. I have on more than one occasion seen westerns outright say that they don't want to fight against imperialism because they benefit from it. I think that's how a lot of westerners justify supporting imperialism. This kind of narrative ironically cements the power of imperialism

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