[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 81 points 3 weeks ago


Its this man He lives in this thing called "The Cloud"

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 38 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Companys are gay for profit margins

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 65 points 1 month ago

But would you like to upgrade to Ubuntu pro?

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 50 points 2 months ago

Parry this you filthly casual!

Cool dress


I've wondered for a while, there are lots of things that attract people to machining, and with that come areas. My previous instructor would say (in no offense) but in this class we are not doing wood working, we are doing precision machining ". he also dabbled in leather working in his free time. So it raises the question "do people that do machining mostly do purely metal working or other tasks including wood or leather just as much?"


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works to c/machinist@sh.itjust.works

so i went to a booth with this older man selling all kinds of stuff, Cameras, glassware and all kind of knick nacks. I then found this beauty under some washers and bolts. It's a brown and Sharpe No.38 and looks pretty good for how old it is. i also got the lot for $15 and I can't complain.

There was also 2 mics which were no name and one that is very hard to read but says "Central man. Co Auburn MI certified accuracy" on the black tag

I also found a mic operation manual

also, there's just something so neat about old school graphics

I got a Lufkin manual as well, sadly there was no Lufkin.

Here are the pages if anyone wants to read it.


So I bought a small box of tap wrenches, and it had a dollar general dial caliper in it, as well as this. The guy had no idea what idea it is, and neither do i, he seemed to think it had to do something with machining

The "roller has 2 textures and 3 different sized wheels that thread on.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works to c/machinist@sh.itjust.works

Crossposted from memes@sopuli.xyz


I have a large library of steam games, but yet always come back to Garry mod and ravensfield. I keep coming back for the modded content and every other game is excellent, don't get me wrong. But a lot of big games like RD2 and watchdogs 2 just seem like such a long time investment. What 2 games do you infinitely come back to?


Today i was doing the daily ritual of looking at distrowatch. Todays reveiw section was about a termal called warp, it has built in AI for recomendations and correction for commands (like zhs and nushell). You can also as a chatbot for help. I think its a neat conscept however the security is what makes me a bit skittish. They say the dont collect data and you can check it aswell as opt out. But the idea of a terminal being read by an Ai makes me hesitant aswell as a account needed to use warp. What do you guys think?


saw this on Facebook and sat the funniest typo.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works to c/machinist@sh.itjust.works


So, for a recap for people who don't know my current situation. I've been working at a die shop for 6 months, and the position is in maintenance. I was told that after an amount of time, a machinist job would open, and I could continue to learn so much about the amazing trade that is machining. However, it has been 6 grueling months. I have worked part-time 3 days a week as the employer would not hire me full time. Although I did enjoy the free time, I would like to be able to afford things. Plus the working conditions have been sketchy at best, So after I left some slight insight into my work on this community, it was evident that I'm not just being a complainer and my job actually sucks. My duties at this job have been, in order, from what needs to be done first to last. Assembling push pins (for a process on a die) Brazing solider pins, cleaning up mill and lathe, facing cutting and polishing dies on lathe, punching out reclaim dies.

These are all the thing I do in my day-to-day job and I somewhat enjoy facing and polishing dies, however It's pretty far down on the list, and I've had 4 eye infections because of grinding dust ending up in my eyes (yes I wore safetys). So thats what I do, I love the people at my current job. They are all supper friendly and I know a lot of them thought family and friends before I started working there. So with great help from the community I've been looking else where, I looked at one shop that was hiring for a manual machinist (I've never programmed a CNC, I'm a button pusher). So I thought "sweet a new job, and it's machining and the starting pay is $17 an hour" So I looked them up drove there got an application, and got an interview. Talked to some old timers and a self-taught machinist, They were both pretty cool guys. So they sat me down in the break room and asked the generic questions, do you have a valid driver's license, why are you leaving your other job, have you committed any crimes? the answers were pretty easy (I never did anything stupid) then they gave me the shop tour....

Bunch of South Bend lathes, 1 Atlas 12in (I thought that was pretty funny to see) Mill ports, bridge ports, boring mill, BIG ASS Cincinnati lathe. And they did have a CNC, it's from 1995 And it runs Mylar ticker tape. Ok, maybe not the most up-to-date shop, but I'm not picky. So I talk to the Old timer for 30 minutes, He tells me that they have had tons of people that come in and say they're machinists, and they don't know shit. He told me a story where a guy came in, First day on the job puts a block of steel in a vice then starts to load an end mill into the collet. Old timer goes, "you're going to want to use the Edge finder" and hands it to him. The guy puts the collet down and puts in a Jacobs chuck and doesn't turn the spindle on and just pushes it up against the block and says "ok got it set" Guy was fired by lunch.... Anyway I talked to the Old Timer for a bit, and he told me starting pay would be $15 an hour (so they lied on indeed), and we went to the office, the HR lady asked "is he a keeper" and the old timer shrugged. The HR lady gave me a folder full of insurance paperwork and company polices. I said I would have to think about taking the job. Yeah, I didn't, So I was on the job hunt again and heard of this company a little ways out of town. 2 weeks ago sent them my resume and Nims Certifications attached with the Application, get a call last week to set up an interview, went to the interview. They were impressed, they asked generic questions like what tools I've used mic's calipers, that kind of stuff. I tell them I took a machine class, the guy asked what metals we used. I named all of them 1014L 3003 Aluminum, and some other random stuff (donated steel). The guy seemed surprised, we finished up the interview, and they took me on a shop tour. My god, it was eye-opening the floors and the wall were not covered in black dust (probably carbide) and you could eat off the floors. It was that clean, my job starting out would be deburring and adding a chamfer to a part on a Bridgeport mill. They said, "your hands are probably going to be covered in oil so it's going to be a little dirty job, are you still interested?" for context, my hands are black at the end of the day at my current job from polishing. plus, starting pay is $15 minimum, and they are willing to pay you more based on your experience level. They said it would be about 30 hours of deburring every week and 10 hours of helping out other departments, and they are going to cross train me in other departments. Tomorrow I have a 2nd interview lined up with them, and I am super excited and can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Thanks for the support, Guys!


Went to the 2nd interview, they thought I would be a better fit for running an injection molding machine. Because I'm mechanically inclined, and evidently impressed them. I told them I have never ran an injection molding machine before. And they said that's perfectly fine and are willing to teach me, they made sure to infasize that if you don't know how to do something make sure to ask. (because mold are super expensive) Which I really appreciate, you can tell at my current job I irritate people by asking lots of questions. And the new company was very upfront about everything and asked multiple times if I was still interested in the job throughout the interview, as it would be lots of learning. They wanted to hire me because their current guy that is running the injection molding machine, will soon have to run other machines and tasks. Currently the machines are fed by medium-sized bags that are manually fed every 2 hours to the hopper. The company is working on buying large pallet boxes and vacuum system to make it easier on the workers. My duties of the job will be inspecting the parts, making adjustments if needed. Starting and stopping the machine at the end of the day, and changing molds every week. As well as, they plan to teach me to use a forklift for moving pellet containers. And during the job if I am not doing anything I am to help in other departments as it is a small company.

I am a little nervous but excited for all the new learning opportunity and plan to give my current boss my 2 weeks notice.

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 61 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Where the usb port, we gotta start debugging. We only got 14 more hours to install a desktop. Then rice it and post it on unix porn


so for a while at work, we have ran the Tormach. so originally we had the same coolant as a Hurco CNC and the tormach is in a small room, which made the EDM guys displeased because it reaks. so we switched it out for the coolant that originally came with the Tormach and it didn't stink as bad. well finds out that coolant does stop rust that bad. so we took it out and were trying to clean it up.


so fun fact inhaling yummy iron dust is not very BASED. and i mean i could wear a respirator, but the whole thing is even with wearing some safety's and a respirator i still got iron dust in my eyes, and have had about 4 eye infections. so last weekend i decided to fix that, i took a Hepa filter and laser cut a mount for a delta server fan and made 2 rings which hold the filter via caughter pins, i also had a mic arm that i lost the end. It sucks up all the iron dust from polishing. And if your wondering i really have only been at this die shop for a few months (basically 1 month after i started this form.) and Ive had a lot of challenges with working at this establishment, at least job wise. the people that i work with are really nice and have never had any problems. but the jobs are shitty to say the least and pay is not that good. im technically a maintenance worker, but i end up doing all the "shitty jobs" and i really dont get paid that much, im part time and get paid $14.60 hourly which a walmart worker gets paid $14 from where i live. and i really have a passion for machining, my senior year i took a machining class, and i was hooked. all i really do is cut, size and polish dies and other junk like running the cnc (which i am a legit a button pusher) i know a little gcode like g73 is a peck drill can cycle. but i dont get to program or anything, i just take parts of of the vice and put new ones in and press cycle start the shitty part is that for a lot of local shop you needed to know how to run a CNC. and sadly the class i took was a 2 year course and the second year was learning CNC, so i never got to. and that left me to finding a job that i could be hired and hopefully work my way up. at this point i don't think im ever going to get a promotion, and am currently searching for a new job. i know this is rather personal, but what do you guys think?
ive been on the fence about leaving, and some of you may be wondering why i made the filter, and its because its kinda the whole fuck around and find out thats at my work place. if a worker asks for something like new ppe, the boss dislikes you and you basically get punished in a way, shittier jobs, less hours, denied days off.


ok, so i have recently took the plunge into self hosting with my raspberry pi. i got an SMB share Running with anonimus permissions (so anybody on the network can access the drive) and i install CUPS and the necessary driver for my Epson ET-2800 (btw download it via apt, i spent 4 days trying to get it to work from Epson website, which BTW was useless because it had x86 driver and arm v6 and my pi 400 is arm v7.) anyway i digress, so the main problem and i cant find any documentation (at least some i can understand) is that i add my printer via gnome "printer settings" and it add it and shows up fine. but when i go to print it cancels job? however i know the driver and cups works alteast of the pi server, if i ssh into it. and run "lp testdoc.txt" (which is a text file i made to check if im loosing my marbles) and it prints without a hitch. i have also done "sudo usermod -aG lpadmin root" so i believe it has something to do with cups permissions. any help would be very appreciated.

my cups config file

LogLevel warn PageLogFormat MaxLogSize 0

Allow remote access

Port 631 Listen /run/cups/cups.sock Browsing On BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd DefaultAuthType Basic WebInterface Yes

Allow remote access...

Order allow,deny Allow all

AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM

AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM

JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default

Order deny,allow

Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Browsing On BrowseOrder allow,deny BrowseAllow all

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Order deny,allow

JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default

AuthType Default
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Order deny,allow

JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default

AuthType Negotiate
Order deny,allow

AuthType Negotiate
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

AuthType Negotiate
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Order deny,allow
[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 60 points 5 months ago

Dude thats crazy!!! I know larry who knows jim, and jim has a barber that has a docter who has a freind that works at tacobell. and tom works in cyber security. He told me about this website where people post breaches of source code. Shhhh You didnt hear this from me


Its very top secret

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works to c/edc@sopuli.xyz

From left to right and reasons why I carry it.

[Nixon Regulus] it has a timer, (which is really great for cycle times on the mill and you gotta use the can) 2 chronographs, 3 alarms and most importantly tells the time. The reason why I chose this watch is that I wanted a simple watch with a few feature and ABSOLUTELY DO NOT want a smartwatch because of privacy and how useless they are without a phone connected, I originally thought about buying a Casio gshock but wasn’t thrilled at how it looked, although I have heard some pretty crazy stories of them surviving.

[USB Toolkit] USB-C to USB-C cable (quick charging and data in a pinch)

USB-C to Lightning (for that one friend that insists on owning an iPhone)

USB-C to Micro (for them crusty old devices)

USB-C to A (for when USB c isn’t available)

USB-C male to USB-A Female (for when you need to plug something USB-C into USB A)

USB-C to micro SD card (for when you need to save a file or need a Linux live environment)

[Wallet] it was a gift, have no idea what brand it is, It’s made out of canvas and has a neat little pocket to hold my USB-C stuff.

[Leatherman skeletool] I have always like having a screwdriver and pliers multitool, I in the past carried a Gerber center drive and loved it. Except for how bulky and heavy it was, it also did not fit in my watch pocket/coin pocket. I also have used the Gerber Dime, which I really liked because of how pocketable it was. However, I used the pliers on it and it broke :/. So I settled on a Leatherman Skeletool, I don’t like it has proprietary bits, but it’s really lightweight and fits perfect in my coin pocket. The main reason I like having a pair of pliers in my pocket is at my job I do a lot of cutoffs and there are hot metal chips that make the pliers very useful when u need to move them

[Atom Tech Power Bank] it has 1 USB-C (in and out) 1 USB A port it’s 3000mAh which isn’t that big but I only use it for a hop up on charge as I rarely use my phone and my earbuds have big batteries

[extra mentions] I also have a pair of Sony xm3’s i daily for music and junk, and they work pretty well, and sound great. They are kinda big case and earbud wise, however I’m fine with some chunk.

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 42 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

no, no, no its too easy, Wheres the terminals? and the long compile time.

(this post was written partially from and intel compute stick running gentoo, which started compiling 7hours ago and still is)

mmmm tasty 2GB of ram

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 38 points 7 months ago

She wants a tall glass of water. Thats it

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 56 points 8 months ago

My homie need to go touch grass

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 71 points 8 months ago

I love paying for spyware!!!

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 38 points 9 months ago

I was about 90% reading this going wtf is this guy on?

[-] Steamymoomilk@sh.itjust.works 50 points 9 months ago

Average spyware enjoyer

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joined 1 year ago